Showing a few of the 285 drawings that were created for the 1996 Rock Jock's Guide To Queen Creek Canyon guidebook. In all of the area drawings that had bushes drawn within them I included secret words in the bushes. I called the bushes "Rude Bushes" so most of the wordage is somewhat fun, but also there is wordage example: "You Suck," Get a Life," etc. Each drawing was first created in pencil, then a second rough drawing in ink, then the perfected third drawing in black ink on clear velum paper for the best and clearest result. So figure 285 drawings times 3, so overall 855 drawings initially had to be drawn for the guidebook. Then each drawing was scanned into a computer and then further cleaned up in photoshop. Then Randi took the computer images and put them into place sizing them etc onto each page. The art overall was not necessarily the drawing itself, but the passion within the creation and the depth of want to complete the entire process.