I have found a few pitons that are marked Albert Lutz AG Teufen. I am not sure who Albert Lutz was or even if the word Lutz is name or a location. Lutz is a town in Austria so I figured that since Stubai in Austria made one of the pitons then Lutz as a location in Austria maybe makes sense. But Teufen is a town in Switzerland. Then later I found another piton with the Albert Lutz name on it but it is made by Salewa. Salewa products were made in West Germany. So overall I am still searching for information about Albert Lutz.
Stubai French form piton made in Austria with a Albert Lutz stamp on it.
Picture of the 1980 Stubai catalog showing a Salewa security piton. The picture of the piton above I found on ebay which has a Albert Lutz stamp on it.