Ushba Ural Alp titanium glue-in bolt from Russia. Circa late 1990s. At that time the routes in Thailand were being developed at a super fast rate but unfortunately the sea water was corroding the bolts within one year. So a new bolt needed to be developed that the salt water was impervious to and titanium became the answer. I am proud that Ushba reached out to me and I was part of the creative team that developed the Ushba Tortuga bolt.
Ryan Meyers 2019 halloween costume dressed up as a Powers 1/2" bolt at the Phoenix Rock Gym
January 2020, while out working a new route named Clips and Salsa, at Wildlife Canyon, SoMo, my drill was plenty out of the way and protected, but the rock I launched off the route ricocheted perfectly and instantly broke the drill into two pieces. Perfect moment for me to give life's camera - a Ferris Bueller look!