The August 1986 Camp catalog shows climbing holds. - The Competition Line set of 5 holds. - The Training Line set of 10 holds. The holds shown are made by Entre Prises, but one particular holds stands out to me, which is the CAMP logo hold. The logo hold is a Camp product that Camp is selling, which places CAMP in the running for the question of, "Who was first to create and sell rock climbing holds." May it be only one hold that CAMP can claim, but still it possibly places Camp in the top 5. - NOTE: The holds shown in this Camp catalog do not have the EP individual hold numbers engraved on the climbing surface of the holds. So this may show that the most vintage EP holds were not numbered.
"What I love about this 1986 CAMP catalog, is the hangboard that is shown."
CAMP 1986 catalog - Donated by Scott Newell
Rectangular Plate - Since the sides have a hex cut look to them, I am guessing that this hangboard may be a Entre Prises product. This may be the very FIRST hangboard made for public sale, where the Metolius Simulator hangboard was being first created at this same time, but not offered to the public until early 1987. However the Metolius Simulator brought forth the symetrical design platform that all hangboards are made within to this day.