This 1973 GPIW Supplement catalog is awesome!!! It brings forward a Chouinard mystery with the introduction of the Chouinard Crack 'N' Up. In this catalog the Crack 'N' Up is shown being available. But what is listed in the Chouinard "Firsts List" is that the Crack 'N' Ups were not made until 1975. I know that the #1 size was being evaluated where it would not hold much weight so it was not going to be offered to the public for use. But what is strange is that in the 1975 catalog the #1 Crack 'N' Up is still offered to the public. I believe that only quantity 10 of the #1 Crack 'N' Up size were created and a few of them were destroyed in the testing process. Tom Frost had a #1 that he showed me but Tom wanted to keep it for his own personal Chouinard products collection. This 1973 Supplement catalog was donated by Steve Sales.