In 2010 I was given a challenge by the Elders to define the Main Source. “Can all people on earth agree on where the all of everything first originated from?” I can simply give the Elders a honest answer that this task is impossible. However, since I have witnessed so many spiritual occurrences since my Awakening, the challenge is an honor. |
Speakman. Nature provided us with a perfect weekend where the temperature was amazing. Our camping spot was amazing. The view of the mountains we were within and the Colorado River being only a few feet away was amazing. The Hot Springs in the slot canyon was amazing. But overall I was excited to share high level conversations with Bridget, which was amazing. Can I say again that I really had a amazing weekend? It was really amazing!!! After our weekend came to a close, on our hike out I was revisiting my task of defining the Main Source. Reece spoke out and said the comment, “Does it really matter?”
Nicholas, Bridget, Marty and Reece
Then go further into the study of consciousness and enlightenment. Everything that is available presently could actually be a creation of pure thought. Possibly there is not even a God. A micro moment of pure thought came forth, and everything that is “the all” became manifest to support the pure thought micro moment. From the super tiny God particle atom and DNA chain all the way up to the earth and humanity and the universe and unlimited universes and the entire source and main source and just “the all.” This everything was possibly created by a micro moment of pure thought, from nobody. My brain is saying “like wow!!” Mind blowing!!!! |
So at this time which is February 2022, I am going to present to the Elders what I have come up with so far which is a answer to their presented challenge to me. “Can all people on earth agree on where the all of everything first originated from?” I bend a knee in front of the Elders table and present to them my answer which is the statement, “Does it really matter?”
My secondary answer to my Elders challenge centers around the word “Purpose.” The word “Purpose” is within everything. All people on earth search for purpose. Also all stories in all religions and ways-of-life involves the purpose within the reason of their necessity to have “the all” being created. When I look at automobiles and compare automobiles to a persons body being a vehicle. The greater amount of people on earth like to take the simpler road of only needing to put the key in, switch the gear to drive, and then push the gas pedal to create the vehicle to move. They are not concerned on how every part which creates this vehicle is necessary to have this vehicle even be. This is why my answer to the Elders is in this order: #1 - “Does it really matter” #2 - “Purpose” |
If everybody went back to this root statement, it can actually form world peace. Being alive in itself is a blessing. But by choosing sides within continual changing truths, and creating hardships and wars over solid beliefs within a subject of the unknown, is not helping humanity, but destroying it. If the quest was not centered on where life came from and if everybody just simply lived, happiness will be forever felt. People in all cultures will get along and will work together which will advance this earth place ten fold compared to what people did all through history to this day. Of course I will continue to ponder the Elders challenge. It brings forth great purpose within me, a continual itch of curiosity, but not within demand. Overall I want to thank the Elders for presenting to me this challenge, because it has given me a want to assist this world through offering different paths which lead to peace. Hopefully this peace will heal the hurt which so many people believe they are trapped within.
greater healing alignment. On one of Bridget Nielsen’s podcasts named, “Starseeds & The Purpose Of This Reality Game” (which is a totally awesome podcast!!!), she is having a conversation with her father Kirk Nielsen. Bridget makes the statement, “How cool is it that you are in the game!” I totally love this statement! Instead of getting frustrated trying to choose what tribe to be in and why, also being in depression continually trying to fix yourself, simply enjoy the invitation of being here on earth at this present moment, and experiencing all that this earth offers for adventure. Get beyond the self and be with the all.