Ego is a fictitious character that lives within a person. When a person is suffering from low self esteem for example, ego arises and serves as a pick me up tool which raises a person back onto their feet. Ego can raise pride within a person giving the feeling of being rejuvenated, which is also pushing to the side the real reason ego is suddenly present. It is not that ego has to be controlled or to be rid of because this ego is actually giving a clue to the individual of what on a persons journey may need to be further addressed.
But ego now appearing within the overall self causes the self to instruct the mind that there is something that continually needs to be fixed. Now the overall self feels the need to fight ego claiming the reduction of ego is key, where in fact “the ego character is not real in the first place.” In reality it is the low self esteem that needs to be addressed and put into a healing process, or simply relaxing the nervous system which raises a higher vibration called Love. God did not invite souls to come to this earth to be forever trying to fix themselves. The good Shepard continually suggests that the Shepard is here to do the work while its flock relaxes in safety. What humans are failing in is simply learning to relax and let the story tell itself, instead of feeling that the story has to be created or controlled without the Shepard, and now the person feels the need to forever repair its perceived failings. Let’s see what Matt Kahn says about this! Matt Kahn YouTube segment named “A Deeper Compassion” created 2/2021. Matt mentions that “Ego is the tool that anchors the humans components to this earth.” Since consciousness is what light beings/humans are seeking, placing a soul and spirit in a human on earth would not last long since the soul and spirit would continually return to the heaven Source immediately. Like why stay in a earth hologram when the consciousness can clearly see that it is being faked out, so to say, instead of remaining in the “true” source. The Ego is actually mimicking/partnering with the Inner Child and the Shadow etc etc etc which creates the illusion that this earth is real and the mission is important to remain on. Without humans having Ego, this earth place would not assist in a light beings search for greater consciousness. With the Ego greater experiences can be achieved and in a rapid pace compared to remaining in the Source which offers “direct experience” more in a library form. Direct wordage from Matt: A true spiritual practice does not have an end point but is simply the humble opportunity for you to continually refine the skills that any practice helps you deepen. And so we’re not loving ourselves so to get to a day where we no longer have to love ourselves. We’re loving ourselves so that loving ourselves can be a joy and not a chore. “A Deeper Compassion.” The fundamental benefit of loving yourself is to fall in love with loving….You!! Thank you Matt for these amazing words!!!!! |