The greatest movie in my opinion that shows the system to achieving greater levels of enlightenment through karma reoccurrence within this earth life is Groundhog Day. This amazing heart centered silly comedy starring Bill Murray shows it perfectly. Bill Murray’s character is a television weatherman named Phil Connors who has to cover the annual Groundhog Day event in Punxsutawney Pennsylvania. Phil reluctantly agrees to cover the event but somehow gets trapped in a recurring day happening over and over and can’t seem to get out of the loop. All of the other characters in the movie start the same every new day which is the same day, and have no memory of the reoccurring loop happening. Phil Connors remembers each day and relives each day trying to do things differently to get out of the loop.
Unlike Phil Connors, the earth life that people are in reoccurs not in single day replays, but whole earth life replays where memory is completely erased at each beginning. Some people that are more in tune with their spirit, sense deja vu moments and work to get out of the perceived karma loops that they feel they are within. Others just relive the same life over and over just not knowing. On earth the path to enlightenment is a slow one since time is present, but in the source the path can go quicker (outside of time), however without direct experience, the path is still incomplete without the earth participation. The more a soul comes |