Robert, Jeremy, Marty, NEO, Shoot time Monday 10:00 am at PRG. For this set you are playing a Jay Lenno type of person. This is your character to create. More like a vest or suit coat over nice shirt, no face paint. You are the host of a night show. Three actors on set, RO(host), Jeremy(guest), MK(technician). Jeremy wearing new Phenoms shirt under Thrashers shirt. If we do not have the shirts yet then white shirt with paper glued to it under Thrashers shirt. I have shirt, glue, and logo if needed. Also Jeremy wear light coat over shirt. I need all cameras so Jeremy and Robert also. Neo will arrive on set at 10:15 to help.
Crowd cheers as set is introduced. Robert welcomes crowd. Robert gives props to his music guy. Robert introduces Jeremy as 'Coach Sir' of the Thrashers Climbing Team. Both sit down. Q. What is team Thrashers? A. (Jeremy) Q. How long has the team been around? A. (Jeremy) Robert looks at papers on desk…. Q. It looks here that the team name is being changed? What is it being changed to? A. (Jeremy) Q. So the new team name is The Rock Phenoms? (phEnoms). A. (Jeremy) Yes the new name is The Rock Phenoms. -This is the statement that brings in the technician (Marty). The technicians job is to switch the set from TT to Phenoms (20 sec). RO and Guest sit somewhat perplexed in silence about the technician as he goes about his business. Switch cups, microphones, desk front, then behind Jeremy. Close up on technician face for camera wink, then rip off Jeremys shirt which reveals new logo underneath, MK leaves set, set continues….. Q. So why is the team name being changed? A. (Jeremy) Q. Are all of the team kids excited for this new beginning? A. (Jeremy) Q. Where do you see the team going from here. A. (Jeremy) Q. Is there anything else you would like to say about your team? A. (Jeremy) RO- It has been a great pleasure to have you on the (RO) show. (hand shake, whatever) RO- finishing tailout line for night show goodbye. (RO closeup)
I have all stage items. I just need actors ready for set.
Robert you will also need to bring your Thrashers News outfit for two short shots. I have face paint.
Any questions? We have official microphones for filming. This is a quiet set so anybody in the background makes a noise, we start all over again. It is best if NOBODY else is in the gym during filming. Don't invite anybody to watch. baby cry, phone ringing, cough, start all over again!!! The more distractions YOU create, the longer we will be filming.
The Director is the only person who stops the filming. If a noise occurs and the actors hear it, this does not mean start over, continue with the set as though it never happened and continue on comfortably.
Shoot time Monday 10:00am at the PRG. Final film duration, 5 - 7 minutes.