This is a great example of the difference between people that are spiritual, and people that are thinking they are spiritual but do little to be spiritual. A person goes to the ocean beach and builds a sand castle which the sand castle represents a praise to the Creator (God). The sand castle is created and the person is very deeply proud of their offering. The ocean water or tide is the Mind. The sand castle lasts for a short while where eventually the tide washes away the sand castle. The person is proud that they built the sand castle which shows their reverence to the Creator. But this person only builds one sand castle per year believing that the sand castle offering is continually in existence.
The highly spiritual or religious person rebuilds the sand castle and does not even wait until the sand castle is washed away, they are already creating sand castle after sand castle where the offering remains at all times. The difference between these people is that the people that are constantly having the Creator in Mind, are becoming further and further along in enlightenment. As the enlightenment grows, the less lifetimes the person (spirit) is returned (Karma) to the physical realm. Giving praise to the Creator at all times at every moment and at every second that goes by, brings a person closer and closer to enlightenment. But yet it is not a easy task to do.
Humans are given a Mind which is a function or part of the brain. The Mind thinks it is in charge of the overall self and it is in tune to creating what truth of life is through concrete evidence alone. The Mind is not concerned with Faith Hope or Love. Build a sand castle and the Mind will quickly wash it away to get things back to the Minds truth. In reality the Inner Child (spirit) is actually in charge of the overall self, but the Mind is continually on the look out to keep that Inner Child locked within a room so it can not be heard. The Soul can send out suggestions, but overall the Soul is having fun experiencing the good, and experiencing the bad.
Luckily for humans the Mind has a partner named the Illusionary Mind which attempts to bring further adventure to the selfs journey. The Illusionary Mind partnered with the Inner Child and partnered with the Soul can create a very balanced happy individual. But even with that, the Mind still continually throws its tide forward to wash away everything that the Mind personally did not bring forward as a benefit to the overall self. For example: when a person goes to sleep at night the Mind becomes asleep, but the Illusionary Mind jumps into full speed having fun adventuring on the Astral Plateau (Dreams). The Soul is always awake and present for all adventures the self is involved with. The Inner Child joins in the dream world fun with the Illusionary Mind and it is one adventure after another, totally awesome fun or totally scary. But look what happens when the person awakes. The person opens their senses (Sight, Touch, Hear, Taste, Smell) and once again life goes into the concrete world. The Mind quickly takes its tide and in a micro second washes away all adventures that the Mind was not involved with. A friend may ask, “What did you dream last night?” And the common response is, “I don’t remember.”
What breaks the controlling Mind to allowing Faith, Hope and Love to be part of the overall selfs truth, is the constant praise being given to the Creator (Creator is Love). The Illusionary Mind says that Love is real! The Soul wants to check out more of this Love stuff because it is so curious. This now allows the Inner Child to have more of a voice within the overall self. The Inner Child is Love since it is a spirit made from the Creator. Once the Inner Child and Mind are working together in harmony, balance will be present in the overall self. A true meaning of happiness.
If the Mind had its way and was in full control of the self, the Mind will contain the self to remain at the lowest level of humanity. Full manipulation of others. Caveman survival mode where the only thing of importance is “Food, Sex, and Defend.”
For the people that are continually building sand castle after sand castle, “Love is always on their Mind.” For the people that RARELY build sand castles, they are continually searching for the meaning of Love. And through their exhaustion, they may even doubt that Love even exists.
The Sand Castle is a praise to God, reverence to God, being with God. The Ocean Wave is the Concrete Mind.
The best sand castles are built with desire, not ego. The goal is to allow the Inner Child (Spirit/Love) to be able to have a voice in the self. Through the Inner Childs examples shown to the soul, the soul then asks to experience more. There is a like a preset command that the mind has built in, which is that the soul is to be provided with experience. The insistive soul having a growing curiosity toward Faith is why the mind eventually allows the Inner Child to have some control over the self. Once that Inner Child has got a foot in the door (so to say), the love meter within the self rises immediately.