"STUTZ" - Is a documentary created by Jonah Hill in 2022 about his psychotherapist Phil Stutz. What I enjoy about this movie is Jonah’s passion that he has found within healing and what benefits it has brought to his life. Benefits so great that in my personal opinion, Jonah’s film is a loving gift that he made not necessarily for the whole world, but to Phil himself as the greatest loving “Thank You” that he could give him for bringing strength forward allowing Jonah to feel comfortable as he now stands more firmly on his feet. Totally awesome!!!
Jonah Hill and Phil Stutz
I have not heard of Phil Stutz until I watched Jonah’s documentary one week ago. Phil has a lot of great teachings! Bring on the earth life magnet that pulls people in the perceived needed direction of Pain, Uncertainty and Constant Work. Even though all of this is a illusion, the spiritual psyche whispers to keep moving Forward. I certainly have a lot to say/cheer about Phil's drawings of philosophy, but for now I am most interested in The Maze.
— The Maze To me the classification of The Maze should be, “Ego Mind verses Exposed Inadequacy,” all within the one person. I love Phil’s explanation of The Maze but I feel that it is missing one component, and that is “weight.” My teaching is called “The Wall” which is similar to Phil’s “The Maze” teaching. Imagine that every time you choose to enter The Maze, you have to first take a brick off of the wall and carry it with you, and you will hold that bricks weight until you properly release the pain it represents. Many people are pretending that they are managing the many different Mazes that are presently going on in their life, but the weight of the constant reasoning that The Maze provides for a person to encircle for a day, a month, years, or even for many lives, doesn’t simply go away. Time may be able to heal physical wounds, but the mental wounds seem to last longer. Over time the Mind cleverly places a blanket over the persons bricks to give it the appearance that the person has no bricks. But the second that a situation matches up with one of the past hidden bricks, the trigger is so big that it doesn’t just expose the single brick, but the cover comes off of the overall pile of bricks showing the true mess that the individual is still within. The benefit of time goes to the individuals that strive for a better quality of life which brings them up to higher spiritual levels. Through a higher spiritual level the person can revisit the bricks that they are still carrying and remove them using their increased understanding of love and forgiveness.
I guess what I am trying to say here is: the weight of the brick is the constant reminder of issues a person still has yet to heal in The Maze. Neuroscientist Caroline Leaf states that it takes 21 days to release a toxic thought, and that's if the thought is being now cared for. If the captured person wants to continue to ride that toxic thought ocean wave, 21 days can last as long as a lifetime, and even into the next life.
More about The Maze: Two choices come forward of: Path A being to humbly go forward since the situation really wasn’t big enough to bother you, or Path B is to enter The Maze which is a place that the person now can spend years and up to the rest of their life reasoning and never seeming to escape. The challenge here is that the self feels that it is failing its earth mission if it denies the invitation to experience. So where Path A (No pain) is so easy to understand, the self instead chooses Path B (Pain) as the option which makes the most sense, even though it is a illusion. Usually Path B people are the ones that have painted a image of themselves as they are perfect, so for sure the other person or other thing “Must” come forward and acknowledge that fact. Until that person finds that “Not being perfect” or “Forgiveness” or “Love” is the key to being able to escape The Maze, the person remains circling in their own confusion. The illusionary mind actually creates fictitious stories in attempt to satisfy ego’s “non acceptance to be called a failure,” which gives a feeling to the person that they have the upper hand in their personally created definition of correctness. The person by choice remains in the hurtful program (The Maze), and instead of getting out of that place, they stand in front of a mirror partnered with ego demanding/admiring their ….. victory?
Some people are so entrenched in The Maze that they have difficulty working through the hurt because the hurt is so great. In some of these cases the person will create a even worse situation for themself which then makes their other situation feel less heavy and easier to get past. In many of these cases the hurt person will choose a close love one or friend to be their targeted victim/eventual hero. This is because once their other problem has been calmed, then they have a better chance of mending the hurt they just caused with a loved one, over targeting anybody else as the victim.
Awesome stuff!!! Really awesome!!! Major props to Jonah Hill for his Stutz movie creation and to Jonah’s new path as a healer himself. Props to Phil Stutz for reenergizing my excitement in the mechanics of the mind, Life Balance, and Consciousness.