Down the street I arrived at a Jack in the Box restaurant and pulled into a empty parking lot. My mind was full of so much thought it was running non stop. I jumped out of my vehicle being in a rush and suddenly was stopped by a homeless person that was humbly sitting with his dog in the bushes outside the restaurant. He gently asked me if I could purchase a hamburger for him. I very rudely said “No” and then continued my rush into the restaurant. Since it was after 2:00 the lunch rush was over and there was absolutely nobody in the restaurant except for two female employees. The one employee took my order of a chicken sandwich value meal which included a drink. As the girls were putting my order together I walked over to the soft drink machine and filled my cup with Sprite. Once the cup was filled I suddenly heard a loud voice saying, “Buy him a hamburger.” I turned around quickly to see who just said this to me and was obviously standing behind me, and there was nobody there. Then again I heard the voice say, “Buy him a hamburger.” The room was absolutely empty and I could hear the two female employees carrying on a conversation with each other in the back of the restaurant.
“here you go” to the homeless guy as I handed him the bag containing the hamburger. I didn’t just hand him the hamburger, I almost somewhat threw it to him, and then jumped in my vehicle and started the motor. As I put the vehicle into gear I glance over at the homeless guy who was practically in front of me, and he was holding the hamburger up high above his head with both of his hands in praise. He had a great smile on his face and he just stared at the sky as he gave praise to God for receiving this hamburger. I kept the vehicle brakes on for a while as I just watched in amazement. Even as I eventually slowly drove away he was still staring at the sky in praise with this hamburger.
I name this writing, “Take the order,” because now if a homeless person asks me for a hamburger, I go the extra step. I take the full order asking what they would also like on that hamburger. Also do they want French fries and a drink to go with that hamburger. I feel totally proud of myself as I lovingly hand them a full meal. Not proud in ego, but proud that as a human, I did the right thing. Life isn’t just about me only! Even if I am within my busiest rushing time, I know how to recognize when need comes to me, and I slow down and take the order.
But the miracles kept happening. Driving to work a homeless person on the street corner is holding a sign seeking monies, so I stop and give a dollar. Later that day I visited the local Subway restaurant next to the gym and the manager who has never given more than a slight discount, says, “Marty, today lunch is on me.” Wow this is really cool. There is another homeless person to whom I give another dollar, but then that day I received no free meals. Maybe it was because I was expecting to receive something for my good doing? A month later there was another homeless person holding a sign so I gave $5 and thought no more of it. But then on that day I went and visited the Subway restaurant again, and as I opened the front door I noticed that
“Take the Order” really means a lot to my heart. I even now own a .com that is called One Dollar Ministry. If the person is standing on the street corner in need, I can surely part with one dollar. I can surely part with one dollar for that same person or same persons every day! I even now keep dollar bills in my vehicle knowing that they are actually there for somebody else’s need. I give a huge THANKS to that Jack in the Box homeless person, “that saw me more than I saw him,” so many years ago. Today I returned to that same Jack in the Box and sat in the same place as the homeless person was sitting in. The landscape has changed but the visit was really worth it. Worth it to finally put this behind me as my heart feels healed, from that time I became the ugly somebody, that I am not.