"The true essence of a person is not what they share about themself to others. The true essence of a person is actually within the items that they don’t share."
What matters most in life is the story that a person can tell of themself, without any other person even existing. It seems that when another person is present, a different or a enhanced fantasy is added to a persons story for them to become more interesting or more of a hero, over the truth that actually …. “was.” Parts and pieces of the true story are purposely left out. Secrets that cannot be revealed. Protecting others from possible hurt if the story was told. Attempting to prevent others from forming opinions or profiling.
Allowing yourself to be yourself is a perfect balanced life. Why is it that people feel the need to become a actor in a script in order to create the person they want others to see them as, over just being the actual person that they were brought to earth to be.
"The true essence of a person is not what they share about themself to others. The true essence of a person is actually within the items that they don’t share."
The ability to understand this quote will make a person a stronger individual within other peoples hearts. They will lead their life having a transparent truth of which everybody they come in contact with will applaud them for simply being …. themself.