I am Marty Karabin and I am in a program that is designed by Teacher Paramahansa Yogananda. My foundation statement is Jesus Christ is my Savior, and in stating that, my foundation is not to be changed for the rest of this Marty life. I am psyched for this opportunity, but already the teachings have produced from me many tears of frustration.
I was born in the Catholic Church and was a altar boy, was in the church choir, and was in the church teen club and more. I was taught that the role of Jesus’s 12 disciples were to bring to the world documentation of the life of Jesus which are encouraged be shared to everybody. These are the Gospels of the Disciples. But 45 years later I am to find that none of the Gospels were written by the Disciples. In fact, nobody really knows who originally wrote the Gospels, and the Gospels were written 20 to 40 years after the death of the Disciples.
Teacher Paramahansa says to me, “Welcome to the Jesus faith tug of war!” Today you feel comfort, and then the next day you feel that comfort is miles away out of reach."
Within this writing I am going to make the same statement many times over that comes from a TV mini series named Arrested Development. In this TV mini series there is a character named Gob who continuously says, “Come On.”
February 3, 2024 - Marty’s present view of Jesus and Mankind:
The words of Jesus are the uncooked spaghetti noodles. The bowl is the creation or holder of Truth. The water is Mankind. When the uncooked noodles are added to the bowl, Truth remains.
However the uncooked noodles are harder to digest, so Mankind (the water) is added to the noodles to soften them up to create a more palatable meal. The longer the noodles and water are together, the more digestible the noodles become in mankind’s philosophy. The problem is that once the noodles become ready (most understood), the pot is not completely strained out and the noodles are now infused by the water. What is being taught today as the true words of Jesus is the infused noodles, and not the original uncooked noodles. Mankind wants to teach about Jesus so much that mankind’s ego includes itself within the teachings of Jesus.
On top of that, a book named the Bible was created stating that it is the true words of Jesus, but yet it is the combination of the words of Jesus in with the words of mankind. The infused union. The uncooked noodles remain a straight forward teaching. But now since water has been added to the uncooked noodles, the teaching becomes all twisted within itself and still can be obtained, that is only after the seeker puts the words together through the mystical Easter egg hunt that the Bible is created to be.
In this text I am sharing a warning that Jesus spoke. Jesus while on earth expanded the place named Hell stating that the majority of people will be going to Hell. This is the majority of non believers in Jesus, and also the majority of the believers in Jesus.
In Revelations, Jesus mentions that the majority of all people will be deceived believing that the antichrist is really Jesus. All the antichrist needs to do is present the Bible as it is written today, which will actually be the tool that deceives the majority.
Please don’t get me wrong here because “Jesus is my Savior.” “I personally love Jesus.” “I love studying the Bible.” “The Cross comforts me.” It is the demand of mankind whom forces the Bible upon me as it being the ABSOLUTE TRUTH of God, and that bothers me the most where here I will say, um Really…. Come On….!
So wow the Disciples were not the writers of the Gospels. So how did the Gospels then become? There is a lot of truth that shows that the Gospels were not even written by anybody whom personally visited Jesus during his mission. So the Gospels were actually a shout out to the plethora of people in the many communities asking for stories or information about what the Disciples said about Jesus, years later? Here-say stories? And once this information came forward, which I assume was an abundance of information, a somebody made a personal decision of what sounded best to keep and what to throw away? There is mention that the Disciples did not even know how to write. I personally believe that Matthew, being a tax collector, at least had some writing skills since he was keeping payment records for the Romans.
I am sure at this time the abundance of these stories may have been true, but also this was created during a time where the Jews were not necessarily favored, and whom said that they were Christians were put to their death. Suddenly this somebody writer came forward with all of the EXACT words spoken by Jesus and exactly the way Jesus said them. Now being written and held firmly as “Absolute Truth.” Um Really…. Come On…!
I have talked to many ministers about this and they state to me that it is all about Faith. God was the one who inspired the Gospel writings through the Holy Spirit and that is why it is Absolute Truth. When I look into what is inspired by God, the answer is that EVERYTHING is inspired by God. The Universe is, Earth is, Humans are, the Air, the grass in my front lawn, the whiskers on my cats, atoms, DNA, Love, even hardships, emotions, decisions, mistakes, Satan, and overall……. EVERYTHING.
As time goes on, the original spaghetti and water union is becoming further added to. Mankind is putting more mankind within the original text to simplify the message which actually takes away more of its truth. The Roman Catholic Church teaches more on mankind being sinners and less about Jesus’s Love. Even though Jesus is my Savior, which forever takes away my sin, I am still claimed to be a sinner because I am not giving enough of self and my monies every week to support the church. I feel like I am not being risen up by the church, but constantly being put down. Um Really ….. Come On… !
And now the original church of Christ, which I thought was Christianity, has been further divided where I can become Baptist, or Protestant, or Mormon, or Roman Catholic, or Eastern Orthodox, or Jehovah’s Witness, etc etc etc. Wow so many organizations to join to be with my Savior Jesus Christ. And they all don’t agree with each other.
So everything that I have written so far is not even 1% of the overall Jesus tug of war that is going on today on this earth. Let’s now put on a different pair of Shoes to walk in.
Okay I am going to now place myself within the statement that the entire Jesus Story is actually Fictional. The Disciples did not write any of the Gospels. There is really no actual proof that Jesus existed. Besides some of the letters that Paul wrote to the Corinthians, which cannot be viewed because they don’t exist today, nobody knows who wrote the New Testament in the Bible. What if the entire New Testament was cleverly written by Roman scholars etc to purposely get rid of the Jews and Christians. What a amazing story!! A Jewish man named Jesus is born of a virgin and is the first to hold all Jewish laws to perfection which only a God will be able to do. Jesus has to be a God to do this, right?
This man Jesus now takes away God from the Jews unless the Jews make the statement that Jesus is the Son of God, and now the converted Jew is back with God and is saved. But once saved and considered Christian, that person is now hunted down and killed. Christians were not favored until 300 AD when Constantine created the Roman Catholic Church. Constantine saw a opportunity to control the Christian uprising and also to bring fortune to Rome. But the deal here is that everybody now is to be Roman Catholic, or the hunting and killing continued.
What is interesting about this fictional writing is that the story of Jesus could have been copied from the Egyptian Book of the Dead which shows the life of Horus, the Egyptian God of the Sun. Horus was born of a virgin, had 12 Disciples, healed the blind, raised a man from the dead, was killed and then rose again three days later. This happened around 2700 years before Jesus was born. Also in the Egyptian Book of the Dead is written similar stories that are shown in the Bible Book of Revelations.
I will say that this may be coincidence because Moses was the one who was being educated through the Pharos direction, but Moses did not refer to the Book of the Dead in his first three books of the Bible that he wrote. If Moses did it would be easy to claim that Jesus never existed. But the coincidence story written about Jesus possibly was copied from the Book of the Dead, by some unknown author.
It is interesting that so much is taught about the birth of Jesus and King Herod seeking to kill off this new Messiah. But Rome controlled all of the land and Augustus Caesar that was ruling at that time didn’t even care about Jesus’s birth. Why is that? Because Augustus Caesar was considered to be the Son of God through Julius Caesars adoption of him. In Marty’s opinion - Augustus Caesar probably thought it was a joke that the Jews were even attempting to pull of this story as it being the truth. Jesus was no threat to Caesar, but to King Herod, if the Jesus story became true and took root, then Herod would be losing the funds he was receiving from the Jewish pharisees.
But look what happened within the actual trial of Jesus. Pontius Pilate was forced to personally give the final judgement which put Jesus on the cross. After this account, there is no more record of Pontius Pilate existing in the Bible, and in the overall Roman world. He just disappeared. Marty’s opinion - I think Caesar was offended because the decision to put Jesus, (the said Son of God) to death, could have made the peoples view of Augustus Caesar (the Son of God) weaker in his leadership since another God could have existed. Augustus would have ridiculed Jesus personally and then let him rot in a prison in view of the people to remain, showing that Augustus was the only one Son of God at that time. Jesus’s tongue possibly would have been cut out to keep Jesus silent.
Again, let’s put on a different pair of shoes that shows that Jesus never died on the cross. There are many people that believe that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and lived a full life and even had kids. I cannot personally say this is a possibility if it is a truth within the way the Bible is presently written. I say this because Jesus was busy teaching wherever he was and everywhere he visited. Disciple Peter’s wife was bitter at Jesus for taking away her husband and at times Jesus made his camp within Peters house without even notifying her first. So Jesus is chilling with his gal and having sex with her and producing babies while the Disciples were being without women? Really…. Come On…!
On top of that Jesus was continuously sought after to possibly put him in prison because of what he was teaching. If Jesus is God and then produced children, then this destroys the entire fabric of Christianity because the one Trinity God was only one God, and the offspring of Jesus would also be considered Gods. Plus Jesus’s kids would have been sought after and killed to eliminate other Gods from existing. Society is so centered with its forceful view that people must be married and have kids. So I say to society…Really…Come On…!
So the only way to look at the all of Jesus is through Faith, but there is so much Jesus information that contradicts other Jesus information. So how does a person place Faith in Jesus within all of this? By taking parts and pieces of the overall plethora of information that was written by many unknown authors?
Talking to Teacher Paramahansa about this he says, “Belief and Hope invites confidence.” “Knowing is Confidence.” However Knowing is not what the churches of Jesus teach to its people through its presented “Belief” system. Faith in this case becomes a personal quest, and even Jesus stated that one can be in contact with Jesus through their personal relationship with him.” This is why Jesus spoke in parables, and not in solid Knowing. The parables generate more Faith to come forward from a person, than the teachings only having one view.”
Thank you Teacher Paramahansa, but my tears that come forward from me through frustration seeks a greater stance within the Knowing. The more I seek in hope to give me additional support of forming a solid truth in which the writings about Jesus are authentic, just places me further away at times than when I first started. So to Teacher Paramahansa, and know this is through love (smile) …. Come On….!
Teacher Paramahansa - “The Belief system may be stronger in the long run since it allows the tug of war to happen. Within this tug of war, growth can emerge, that is as long as the student does not become entangled over time as they acquaintance themselves with their ego and emotions. The Belief system always allows the 1% to gather further information to add to the 99% whole of the person. If the person is solid in their knowing at 100%, then ego blocks additional information to be allowed into the persons perceived developed truth. So to Marty I say, …..Come On….!”
Fair enough.
There are other Gospels that contain information about Jesus that were written and not put into the Bible called the Gnostic Gospels. It is said that they were not included since they were not authentically apostolic in their authorship. They were written by early Christian Gnostics. Gnostic is defined as knowledge. The Gnostic Gospels were written in the late first century by organized religious and philosophical peoples, but here too, exact author(s) unknown. The Gnostic Gospels may have been purposely written to create confusion within the already formed Bible.
Gnostic Gospel example: Early Christian texts that claim the creator God from the Old Testament is actually the devil and salvation can only be reached through a personal relationship with an abstract higher power.” Hmmmm… then does this suggest that Jesus is the Son of Lucifer? Other Gnostic Gospels specify that Jesus was married to Mary Madeline, Jesus never died on the cross, etc.
Many people state that the Bible is not complete since these other Gospels were not included in the overall Bible compilation. But are these Gnostic Gospels really truth? Within the overall find of the Dead Sea Scrolls, there were no New Testament writings within. Only the writings of the Old Testament were hidden and saved. Marty’s opinion - I believe this is because the Essenes knew that they were going to be attacked by the Romans, so they hid the original texts, and this all happened previous to the New Testament being written.
I am a huge fan of the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) which is available worldwide on the television today. At times I am so glued to watching and listening to TBN because of the many viewpoints and teachings of the Bible that are spoken through countless Bible scholars. Big applause TBN!! However I feel that I must say, “Come On”… here to TBN because I am witnessing over and over the speakers placing other words to smooth out their Bible examples, that are not words that are in the Bible.
One huge reoccurring Bible addition that is not specified in the Bible comes in the Adam and Eve story about the forbidden fruit. I will easily say that 75% of the TBN amazing Bible teachers state that the Forbidden fruit is an apple. Really ….Come On ….! Once again let me place more mankind water into the Jesus spaghetti noodles. The forbidden fruit was just that, “the forbidden fruit.” It was simply the “only” item that was to be left alone.
Another example of mankind’s addition to the already written Bible was shared last week on TBN. A minister was teaching about the armor that a person is to wear to battle off satan. The Belt of Truth, Breast Plate of Righteousness, Shield of Faith, the Shoes, Helmet, and Sword. A great teaching that ended by the minister stating that this armor is to be put on every morning. What ….. Come On …! By stating that it is to be put on every morning, suggests that the person is taking it off at some time. The armor is to be worn at all times. Sure the minister was showing that it is best to start the day with Jesus and the armor may be the reminder. But the strength of Jesus comes through the cross.
I love the many movies that are made which shares the life of Jesus. But to 99% of those movies I say it once again ….. Come On…! Stay with the original documented Bible words instead of thinking that it is making it easier or more understandable for people to be with Jesus if non Bible mankind additions are added into it. There is a incredible TV movie series named “The Chosen” which I absolutely Love. Anytime I watch it I cannot contain myself from expelling continuous tears. It is so beautiful! Huge applause to the creators. At the end of the episodes please witness the many thousands of names of people that contributed to this creation. It is mind-blowing!!! So this suggests to me that this TV movie series was very well researched.
One of the greatest stories of Jesus that I can write a huge book on is about the five loves of bread and the two fish which leads into Jesus walking on the water. I am not sure why, but in Bible the Gospel of Matthew shows that the Disciples took their boat to a secluded area where many thousands of people then gathered which compelled Jesus to give his teaching, which was life changing to all. Jesus and all 12 Disciples were present and assisted Jesus with feeding 15,000+ people with only five loves of bread and two fish (5000 men plus women and children present). Jesus instructed the Disciples to take the left over scraps of the food and place it in the boat which in total filled 12 baskets. Matthew shows that the Disciples then took the boat and awaited for Jesus on the water as a storm came which tossed the boat to and fro.
But in The Chosen movie series it shows that the Disciples walked to the secluded place. Jesus instructs the Disciples to collect the left over scraps and thats it. Peter in frustration then goes and purchases a boat which held the 12 Disciples, but there are no baskets with the Disciples in the boat. I am writing this in passion because the answer to this entire writing that I am sharing at this time is within this Bible passage. So first of all to The Chosen movie writers, with Love, …..but …. Come On…!
Going back to my opening statement. I am sharing and now repeating a warning that Jesus spoke. Jesus while on earth expanded the place named Hell stating that the majority of people will be going to Hell. This is the majority of non believers in Jesus, and also the majority of the believers in Jesus. In Revelations, Jesus mentions that the majority of all people will be deceived believing that the antichrist is really Jesus. All the antichrist needs to do is present the Bible as it is written today, which will actually be the tool that deceives the majority.
The Disciples are in the boat and the storm is becoming really rough. They are now quite scared but yet they are doing everything they can with all of their muscles to control the boat. The Disciples just a few hours earlier were with Jesus as they even assisted Jesus with a great miracle. But once the storm becomes, none of the Disciples call out for help from Jesus. They fall back into self works. What is written in Matthew and Marty’s explanation: The reason Jesus told the Disciples to put the 12 baskets of scraps into the boat was, so that while the Disciples were trying to control the boat in the extreme storm, the scraps were probably being thrown upon the Disciples and covering them in waste. One basket was for each Disciple to assist them in a reminder of the bread and fish Miracle they just assisted Jesus with. And none of the Disciples shouted out for help to Jesus.
Jesus is on the shore hearing the Disciples yelling at each other and then Jesus walks on the water all the way to only a few feet away from the boat. The Disciples cannot believe what they are “Seeing.” They cry out that it is a ghost and become even more in fear. Even though Jesus speaks to them, the Disciples still don’t believe that it is Jesus. It goes as far as Peter commanding Jesus to ask Peter to come to Jesus.
I see this is where the “TRUTH OF JESUS” is. This is the key that Jesus was teaching to everybody in his warning. The true Jesus is not in the text of the Bible, but in the ability to hear Jesus’s voice that a person develops by going through the continuous tug of war of the overall presented Jesus information. Everybody has a different vision of Jesus and hears a different voice. This is what a personal relationship is. Mankind assumes that everybody should be seeing and hearing Jesus the same, and Mankind continues to attempt to make this sameness happen to this day.
People today argue about what color Jesus’s eyes really were, and the color of his skin. I laugh in Love at this saying that these people teach that Jesus is indeed God but yet they attempt to limit God by not allowing God to have whatever color eyes and skin God wants to have, and God can change it any moment God wants. The Disciples were not able to identify Jesus even though Jesus was only a few feet away from the boat. And notice, the Disciples did not recognize his voice either even when Jesus was talking to them. The Disciples continually “looked” for Jesus which caused them to overlook hearing Jesus’s voice. Sight is the opposite of Faith.
Many TBN ministers that are speaking in the one on one talk shows make statements that early in their ministry they struggled with the learning of the Bible. They eventually “Surrendered” to it, finally “Accepted” it, “Succumbed” to it. This is the point that they began to hear the voice of Jesus. They didn’t suddenly partner with the Knowing or went greater into their Belief. This is the point when they became the vessel of Jesus of whom Jesus personally speaks through. I Love this!!
Bishop TD Jakes on TBN today made this statement, “God is in the purpose within the text, and not in the principles.” “Bishop TD Jakes years ago personally told me, “It is not about the information, but living the information.”
Teacher Paramahansa concludes with this: “Faith is not about gathering only the nice stuff and being a cheerleader of it. Faith is about being with the entirety of the text and falling into the realization that all mysteries cannot be simply solved which creates either the ego to run away from the text, or allows the humble heart to come forward which eases the frustration and allows time to smooth out the rough edges. The tug of war.”
I am close to turning 60 years old and I hope to make it to at least 80 years old. This way I can title my book, “Jesus, 80 years within the tug of war, and yet I am no closer to the Truth. However, I have completely fallen in Love with Jesus!”
Thank you Jesus. Thank you Teacher Paramahansa. Thank you Gob…. Come On! :) With Love, Marty, the Sage.
And yet no matter how much mankind attempts to take over ...... Jesus remains!!!!!!!!!!!
I included a link to Matt Kahn's teaching on youtube, "Loving The Way You Are," which I beg everybody to listen to. Duration 1:32. This is not a Jesus thing, but a incredible teaching showing you the Divine person that you already are.