Living The Dream created 3/2012. Two disc anniversary special movie for the Team Thrashers Three Year Anniversary. I put endless work into this movie creation! The task was to create a movie that will keep the viewers attention, include all of the team kids within it, and be a keepsake for the parents of the kids on the team. Big thanks to the many parents sharing pictures and video, and big thanks to my friends NEO and Robert for helping me out with many of the silly fun skits included in the film. This movie also shows "The Olson Show" which brings in the team name change over to the Rock Phenoms.
Phenom Style created 3/2013. One hour movie for the Rock Phenoms four year anniversary. Over 400 hours of work went into creating this artistic movie. My plan was to do somewhat the same as the Living The Dream movie, but condense it down to a one disc one hour movie. This movie is a gift to the climbing team kids, the team parents and friends. Big thanks to all of the friends and parents for sharing the many photos and film which made this movie totally awesome!!! Big thanks once again to NEO and Robert for the many silly fun skits included in this movie. Huge thanks spirit world for giving me the ability to reach beyond what I thought were my personal artistic limitations.
Occupacity, my son James had a art showing displaying all of his art pieces at The Hive art studio in Phoenix, with live music from his friend John.
Sends of Yesterday. Footage of Zach Levy climbing in many of the youth climbing competitions. Now grown up, Zach is amazingly strong sending the hardest boulder problems everywhere he visits!