UNKNOWN PITON # 1. Only mark is "Made in Austria." I thought the piton may be Stubai, but I don't see this piton design in any of the Stubai catalogs that I have seen.
UNKNOWN PITON # 2. No markings on the piton. From ebay from seller in Europe. The metal seems to be the same as Peck pitons. Possibly stainless steel. Purchased with Unknown piton #3.
UNKNOWN PITON # 3. No markings on the piton. From ebay from seller in Europe. The metal seems to be the same as Peck pitons. Possibly stainless steel. Purchased with Unknown piton #2.
UNKNOWN PITON # 4. This is the bottom of a piton that was sent to the Patagonia Archives.
UNKNOWN PITON # 5. No markings on the piton. My guess is that it was made in Japan or Russia. Soft metal piton. - Donated by Art McCarthy
UNKNOWN PITON # 6. No markings on the piton. My guess is that it was made in Russia or Japan. Possible stainless steel. - Donated by Art McCarthy
UNKNOWN PITON # 7. No markings on the piton. Was purchased in a ebay piton lot from seller in Europe. Purchased with Unknown piton #2 and #3.
UNKNOWN PITONS # 8. No markings on the piton. Purchased from ebay seller in Europe. I have been told this is possibly a early Denny Moorehouse piton, which would be Clog or DMM.
UNKNOWN PITON # 9. Has "Made in Switzerland" mark. Has past owners initials "LEM." CCB pitons and Fritch pitons had these large "Made In Switzerland" marks on them.
UNKNOWN PITON # 10. No markings on the piton. Small piton possibly made of stainless steel. Not sure if it was created to have a ring, or use small cord for the carabiner.