UNKNOWN PITON # 11 This piton is from Japan. My guess is that it is from the 1980s.
UNKNOWN PITON # 12 These pitons were available through the Army Surplus store. Manufacturer unknown but they are made in Czech Republic. One of the pitons has a unknown mark on it.
UNKN0WN PITON # 13 Piton was made by a blacksmith in California sometime in early 1990s.
- Donated by Greg Grant
UNKNOWN PITONS # 14 These pitons were made by a blacksmith in California sometime early 1990s.
- Donated by Greg Grant
UNKNOWN PITON # 15 This piton was made by a blacksmith in California sometime early 1990s.
- Donated by Greg Grant
UNKNOWN PITON # 16 - Markings on the piton are possibly what was already on the sheet of metal it was created from, "0399D" - very small piton eye for carabiner.
UNKNOWN PITON # 17 - No markings on the piton. I believe it was made in Europe. Very nice piton. Metal feels like stainless steel or special metal mix.
Possible 1930s Bill House piton
UNKNOWN PITON # 18 - No markings on the piton. 1/2" Baby angle piton.
UNKNOWN PITON # 19 - No manufacturer marks on the piton. The ring looks like possibly stainless steel so this piton may be a early 1960s Doug Black angle. But it is not welded, and most Doug Black pitons are. Has the past owners initials "COLE." - Donated by Michael Chessler
UNKNOWN PITON # 20 - No manufacturer marks on the piton. Looks like a exact copy of a 1950's ASMU piton but the hammer end is much shorter. Has the past owners initials "RB" - Donated by Michael Chessler