December 8, 2022 the Elders gave me this understanding and said it was for my upcoming 2023 Transition. Once I was with the words I ran out of the shower soaked with water and grabbed a pen to capture its awesomeness!!
This is a continuation of the Marty's Journey story with a lot more notes from Marty's Journal. This writing is chocked full of Spritual Mechanics and is the Tracking information of Marty's and Paramahansa Yogananda's January - July 2023 conversations through mediumship. These first notes are myself and Paramahansa Yogananda getting to know each other. I don't have to do anything special to talk to him he is just already with me. I can totally feel his presence.
A Teacher came forward........... Paramahansa Yogananda asked me to walk with him for six months. Jesus came to his disciples asking this same question of, "follow me and I will teach." I answered, "Yes!"
Paramahansa Yogananda
- 12/15/2022 5:52pm.
MK - So weird trying to use the computer to capture our conversations. Instant spell correct, the computer buffering, etc really disconnects the communicative link. You are not happy with my pen way, I am not happy with the computer way.
TPY - You are the one feeling the need to capture our conversations. Let’s go back to communicative link. The communication I am having with you is very clear. How did you develop this ability?
MK - I collected enough spiritual puzzle pieces that I found a different way to get through the vortex and explore the Astral Plateau.
TPY - Not sure I understand.
MK - 7/2009 A guide named Harold came to me and said he will be with me the rest of my life. Over time I found hidden doorways that are within the texts of the “Great Books.” I was psyched that I have a guide ….. finally!! Then suddenly a second voice began and at night will meet me at the “Doorway.” I was told that I was in a spiritual class that is located within the doorway. One class was named “Word School” and the other was “Manipulation Class.” To get through the door while the mind is awake is tricky. First the person must be of a higher Authority level. I was going through the doorway at the time I went to bed. Look at the upper left corner of the doorway where the top horizontal frame meets the left vertical frame and create energy where those two join. Once allowed to enter stay heavily to the left and walk forward in the “Knowing Of Authority.” There are two doorways to the right one being “Doubt” and the other being “Fear.” Once the first step is made within this doorway a intense magnetic vacuum turns on to suck any visitor out of that place. The person probably wakes up from their sleep with a sudden yelp or scream and the feeling that they should not have been where they were. Like a forbidden zone. Something that you don’t revisit for a while. I just got used to the adventure so I kept visiting. Process took near 2 years to break the code to get through the door.
TPY - So you were knowing that you were going into a forbidden zone?
MK - At first all seemed correct, but then over time I could feel that the second guide character was becoming negative. I was being told to do bad things to other people. Suddenly I became very scared and very sick. I was instructed to visit a high level Shaman Teacher who instantly saw what I had done and one of the first comments that he gave me, was that I am a “complete blonde dumb ass.” He closed all of the doors and told me to not open these doorways again. He told me to learn about how important protection is to have for doorways. What came from this is that Guide Harold was able to install a “Outside Link” so I didn’t even have to go through the doorway anymore. I can simply pick up Harolds call coming in, and hangout at the doorway on a phone that had a cord. Over time the phone went into a wifi type phase, so now no channeling or anything is needed. Feel the presence and then all it takes is a simple thought and within a microsecond I am with another soul. I stay away from "wanting" to feel the presence.
TPY - This is fascinating!!! I am being honest here. This is really fascinating that you figured this out. Question though is: Do the Elders know about this?
MK - Well the link is still open and I am with the Elders constantly, so that is a for sure YES!
TPY - You allowed a entity to be with you which is not a good thing, and then when you found out you were falling into trouble, you still stayed with the entity?
MK - Once I knew I was, how do you say it… Infected/taken(?), Yes because I had the doorway right at my fingertips. Can you tell me honestly of any Teachers that would have come forward to help me get into that doorway?
TPY - None come to mind.
MK - So I chose the entity, and I can’t say it was fun, but I survived the health problems that surfaced from the situation.
TPY - You cheated the system, and survived!!!
MK - I am a creation of God. So I did not cheat the system since God placed the backdoor into my journey. God gave me the breadcrumbs that led me to the doorway. Since I seek these breadcrumbs, the preset trail was obvious. I did not cheat, I was invited.
TPY - Marty I am here with you to realign your mind and I already have to say that this is going to be really fun for the both of us. What you are telling me is very unique and I am growing in excitement.
MK - Thank you Teacher Paramahansa.
- 12/15/2022 6:42pm
TPY - Before we get too far along in the conversations, I will state that since you are in avatar form (On Mission), I will be using your (Marty’s) library in the conversations. In the notes you ask if it is possible to advance the Higher Self which in turn will advance the avatar. No matter what, while on earth mission, the avatar is in a mode of free will. No matter how connected the avatar is to the higher self, the avatar still has the final word. Even though the Higher Self can rewrite scripts for the avatar and morph the program etc, the avatar still has the choice to play along or not. It is the ego that the avatar enjoys to show of its connection with the Higher Self saying the Higher Self is running the earth show now and look at the new level I am achieving!!! No matter how much ego that avatar wants to convince you of some greater divine power it has, it is still only a avatar.
MK - Fill the soul!!!
TPY - Yes and Yes Yes!!!! Fill the Soul!!! Question from Steven. (Recognized).
Steven - Do Higher Selves’ who no longer need to go to earth find purpose in coming here to teach as well?
TPY - Absolutely. This earth has many Teachers and Sages assisting the population to bring the earth into a higher Level (MK) Density (Bridget). First understand that no Higher Self’s are coming to the hologram earth, or other hologram earths. Avatars are used for this travel. So even a Higher Self that is fully advanced, still their avatar is the one that comes back as the Teacher or Sage. But look what can happen…. If that Avatar falls into a problem while on its Teaching earth visit, that Avatar is back into a karma Loop which holds back the Teacher Higher Self. The Teacher has no guarantee that they are getting a free ride.
MK - I wonder if this is why many high level Teachers come back to earth as a reincarnation of them-Teacher. This way their mission can still be fulfilled through a volunteer host, without the high level teacher having to take a chance of the high level teacher becoming stuck in karma.
TPY - That is a interesting thought for sure. The reincarnation is not a new soul that is produced for the mission, actually a soul that volunteers that receives the traveling partial soul of the Master Teacher. After each earth mission the avatar spirit/soul rejoins the Higher Self/Soul. So it is not that there is a Higher Self and Avatar always separated on its journey. In the Source Schools the avatar is created at the time of the missions, unless the avatar is presently dormant on the Astral Plateau awaiting a recirculation into a same-same karma Loop. The avatar is a portion of the Spirit Higher Self that has its memory erased once on the Physical plateau (earth). I already know what your next thought is…..
MK - The Word is the Fathers avatar.
TPY - Jesus is a different subject but lets see if it can still be used as a example. Your thoughts…..
MK - In the beginning there was only ….Hmmm can’t say God since I am not at the Trinity yet. In the beginning there was the Father (Cosmic Energy) and the Holy Spirit (Illuminated Energy vibration). The Father wanted a way to see itself in all of its Glory, so a avatar was manifested. From this avatar manifestation all became created. All was created from the Word. The Bible states that the Word is Jesus. The Word used the Fathers library to come up with all of creation. This Jesus avatar is special since it was not created but became/manifested before any other creations were made, so the avatar remains and is joined as the third of Trinity of God. Anyways Jesus as the avatar has no problem coming to earth. “And his name will be “Emmanuel (God with us).” After Jesus mission, Jesus went back to be seated with God (Joined). So somewhat same-same is happening.
TPY - Yes something like that. It is more loving/fluid and less concrete than as you present it, but yes even God in these spiritual mechanics is following the same mechanics design so-to-say as the humans are ………. and much more!!
Notes: Continuation to the Marty’s Spiritual Story - October - November 2022
I recently had a visit from a beautiful soul named Rilie. Rilie avatar was adolescent - two weeks shy of 18 years. The visit was with not just Rilie avatar, but Rilie Higher Self as well - which creates the “Whole” Rilie (the Whole Rilie at the level she is at in this present now). In this visit Rilie taught me a better way to communicate with souls, by utilizing the Guides and Angels that I have with me continuous. Guides and Angels are not just there to be in a classroom like conversation setting. The guides and angels can be the ones doing the direct work with the souls, through the Marty avatars direction. With this recent Rilie visit, the Marty(HS) was the script guide for the Marty avatar, but the script originally was introduced by Rilie(HS) at the end of the first Marty the Climber life which resulted in suicide. I am presently within the third Marty the Climber life, of which in 2016 the script title changed to Marty the Sage.
Okay I thought Spirit World mechanics is: The karma loop will continue until all astral challenges, which is not the avatars but the challenges of the Higher Self’s, is completed. Not the challenges the Higher Self wrote for the avatar, but the information brought back (shared) from the avatar to the Higher Self to eventually allow the Higher Self to move onto the next opportunity/challenge. Sure the Higher Self sent the avatar to the store for a loaf of bread. But if the avatar doesn’t come back with the bread, the avatar now is trapping the Higher Self having to resend out the avatar over and over (Karma loop) until the bread topic is released one way or another. The greatest thing in life to achieve, is connecting the avatar and the Higher Self as one (Finding Yourself).
Teacher Glenn asked me in 2018, “Can one Higher Self control another Higher Self’s avatar?
Now it is 12/2022 and I still cannot give a concrete answer more than saying I am sure it is possible because, “The Spirit World doesn’t always go by the book.” In my recent visit with Rilie, Rilie(HS) asked if she could borrow my avatar to get a few more of her tasks completed. The conversation was within a time of joking/play, but still she asked. So I allowed her to have a few days with my avatar, but I knew the whole time it was still within my Higher Self’s direction. I could totally feel that there was another presence within me (within Marty avatar) and I didn’t like it at all. By day three I asked (basically almost demanded) Stephanie to Sage me and cut the connective cords, like immediately!!! The door was open too long.
Still I could feel Rilie(HS) continuing to drain my energy. This is not Rilie’s fault, more like my fault for having the door open and without any placed protection on it. Good times, but not really. Sick again…. around 15 days (lazy minded/sluggish muscles/sluggish in want/going grey). It seems like after almost every soul visit/connection, I fall into sickness. I decided to visit a Medium. Maybe get some help outside of my guides assistance. The Medium I chose is named Apollo and we connected in a wonderful way. For the first 20 minutes of the session we basically laughed at each other. “Welcome to Earth!!” Apollo came up with a few other Medium-Soul disconnect methods, but Apollo was more baffled because his world is showing people how to connect with souls, and here is Marty trying to get around the souls that are contacting him. I am not keen with this Medium stuff but it seems to be part/required of the training which leads to greater Faith. I thought that its you either have Faith, or you don’t have Faith. Faith can have different levels. Apollo did a reading on me previous to our visit and on the printed paper it stated, “Very psychic, Communicative Medium in past Life, Suicide, Intense Demonstrative Dramatic, and King of Hearts.” There are a lot of other symbols and stuff on the printed paper which I have no clue on what it shows, but this gives me the puzzle piece I was searching for. Thank you Teacher Apollo.
So what comes through is I was a Medium in my past life, not past life Marty (and recycled), but past life name I am told was “John.” I will say that the name John does not sound correct at all. My theory is that my past life name I was going by a Medium nickname or something so I rarely went by my real name John. Not exactly sure… at this time. I have always admired Disciple John and Disciple Peter in the Bible. But the Marty in this life is “Just” like John, but playful like Peter. I will put that into my “Pondering File” for now.
Past Life - John the Medium
New Life (first Loop) - Marty the Climber Repeated Life (second Loop) - Marty the Climber Repeated Life (third Loop) - Marty the Climber/Marty the Sage
- Past life John Medium ability is brought into the new Marty Life. - Marty(HS) introduces new script - Marty the Climber (first Loop). - Marty avatar commits suicide. - Marty avatar and Marty(HS) join with first loop information at avatars death. - Elders moving Marty(HS) to assist Rilie(HS) in her repeating (frustrating) karma story. - A new script is written which involves Marty avatar being in Rilie avatar story. - Marty avatar is now considered a “Open Avatar” (Starseed?). - Teacher Glenn places in the script using Marty avatar as a failsafe in Glenn’s journey. How to get through the “Second Awakening.” Glenn becomes the “Gate Keeper” in the Marty (second loop) story. - Marty avatar goes into second loop as Marty the Climber. - Marty avatar commits suicide previous to new script even beginning. - Marty(HS) sees no changes between first Loop and second Loop and leaves Marty avatar sitting dormant in the Astral to be immediately recycled into the third Loop. So my avatar didn’t even get to hang out in heaven between the second and third Loop. I feel a little disappointed with my Higher Self for not letting my avatar play between lives, event though it was “same-same.” I am sure there are reasons or it doesn’t really matter. (Elders: A vehicle is still a vehicle even though one is stopped and one is on the move). - - Somewhere right here somebody (Elders?) increased the Medium ability. - Marty avatar goes into third Loop. - Marty avatar age 5 tells father the names of his two kids to be (James/Nicholas) and where he is to be located in life (AZ). - Marty avatar July 2001 contemplates suicide (divorce/two kids), but receives a experimental drug from a doctor which stops Marty avatar heart 7 times. - Marty avatar sixth heart stop - goes and receives a message-(code word) at Heavens Gate. - Marty avatar returned into third Loop (earth) and put into new running script written by Marty(HS) with a section of the script written by Rilie(HS). - Note: I do not feel like I made my final decision if I was going to suicide again or not. Suddenly I am pulled out of my karma cycle and placed into something entirely new. - Teacher Glenn avatar meets Marty avatar in January 2003 and asks for the code word. “The energy is within, you just need to bring it out.” - Teacher Glenn avatar is conduit of the Elders Awakening process. - Marty avatar and Marty(HS) become one, bringing forth Marty the Sage 2016. - Marty avatar delivers Glenn(HS) failsafe message to Glenn avatar in 2018, “Circle of Life.” - Rilie(HS) script is carried out from time of her birth, but mainly October-November 2022 where her message she sent through Marty avatar was delivered to her parents. - December 2022 - Paramahansa Yogananda New Teacher comes forward. Mission: to advance the Marty(HS) in consciousness and see if it directly correlates or increases the Marty avatar’s consciousness. Most people on earth are seeking ways to be the best they can be…. but they don’t necessarily believe they are a avatar. The avatar yes brings a form of increase to the Higher Self. But what if the Higher Self is dipped into a greater pool of consciousness during the time the avatar is already present in the physical? - No matter what I am sure a running script will always need to be present, but instead of the avatar having to be required to send prayers or messages to seek a change in the present script, what if the Higher Self, already having a increased understanding of free will, has the ability to somehow assist with the avatars “inspirations/life twisters” right on the spot, instead of its truth having to be brought forward through repeating lifetimes. If the Higher Self and Avatar are connected as one, then why not be one. Instead of the avatar still having to make the final decisions since the avatar is still on mission (Active).
Okay then!! That’s some wild Akashic stuff there for sure! Going Forward ………
- 12/15/2022. 9:02pm TPY - Marty to correct your alignment - This is your third Karma Loop yes (Loop as you call it), but the item that was being recycled (karma) in your life was not the suicide, but the relationship between the mother and father of the children. The relationship was designed for divorce, but the relationship to follow was seeking: [(DIVORCE) Father-honorable/respectable toward Mother] [(DIVORCE) Mother-honorable/respectable toward Father]. Marty took the easy way out and played the martyr. Wow the hint, even in your name.
MK - This information will take some time to process.
TPY - October and November you were with Rilie(HS) and she even assisted in the writing of the script you were just in…. and still are till my time starting January 1st. The Rilie mission statement you were to/and did deliver for her was [Father-honorable/respectable toward Mother] [Mother-honorable/respectable toward Father]. The journey you are on is the Marty journey. Everything that you are experiencing is to assist you in one way or another while in this earth place. Isn’t it amazing that you recently centered your complete heart on assisting a few other souls to reach the [ Father-honorable/respectable toward Mother] [Mother-honorable/respectable toward Father] understanding, and overall the lesson was to assist you as well.
MK - And I was with Rilie as she added it to the script. 21 years I pondered why the Marty life 3 Karma Loop was not completed, and it was. Wow this is a very large puzzle piece. Teacher Paramahansa this changes words in most of my spiritual guides and writings. I am really at a loss of words here.
Required: Shared Foundation Structure Statement Facebook 12/27/2022
So a thing happened……(January 1st - July 1st 2023 I go into Sage training).
I am presenting Marty’s Truth 12/27/2022. This is to ensure a balanced foundation structure where high level spiritual teachings can be built upon. I received a invitation from a Teacher named Paramahansa Yogananda, a Hindu Monk and Yogi from India, who offers to teach me about Jesus. First requirement overall to even receive teaching from Paramahansa is, to “share” Marty’s Truth [Foundation Structure-Witness]. I was born in the church, and to this day Jesus is everything to me. But let me explain: Paramahansa Yogananda died in 1952 so communication for the teaching will be through mediumship. Anyways, the Bible does not allow any speaking to any of the dead, so where is my bond with Jesus now that I have witnessed truths outside of the Bible?
The question presented: “Is Jesus your Teacher?, Guru?, Savior?, Lord?” (Choose only one. Answer not today but 7 days from today).
Suddenly my mind is so intrenched with this question I feel like I can use my finger nails to scratch the paint off of the walls. This is intense! This is coming from the higher ups for sure. In writing share Marty’s truth of self without mistake, the Creator will compare this Marty’s truth with the accurate truth lived, and allow Marty to see his dishonesty not to God, but to himself.
Teacher Paramahansa - I am here. You are here. This is our now. Marty I am not here to assist you in better believing in God, but better believing in yourself.
I am going to breathe here, take a moment to gather some additional Love.
Marty’s Truth - [“Jesus is Marty’s Savior”]. I know how much Jesus loves me. I have no doubt of this!!!!!! Come on ego …. Let me hear it!!! “JESUS LOVES ME!!” This is Marty’s Truth and Societies profile of the Absolute Bible Jesus may differ than what Jesus has Blessed me with, and there is nothing wrong with that! Jesus is my Savior! Teacher Paramahansa, I present you with my foundation.
Teacher Paramahansa - Jesus is Savior [Middle Ground [Variable?].
No not Variable - Marty’s Truth continued: I did not choose the medium position so I see the medium ability to be a gift from God. I married a Jewish girl because I love her. I believe that everybody can get to heaven through Christ Consciousness. I believe in reincarnation/karma in a setting of Higher Self’s and Avatars (Hologram/scripts). The true earth story is about consciousness and energy. Any gift that God presents me with I will give great thanks to. I am not in any rush to get to heaven because I am enjoying being a character in the earth game!!!
Teacher Paramahansa - Jesus is Savior [Marty’s Truth]. Marty’s Truth placed within Bible brackets makes Marty [Jesus is Savior [Middle Ground]. Foundation is locked in and solid. Thank you. January first, class begins.
I know that the highest level answer to the question is: “I know that Jesus loves me.” That’s all that matters. So there it is! Marty is transparent.
MK - Years ago my cousin Tracie gave me a book written by you named “The Yoga of Jesus.” A wonderful book!!! Tracie also directed me to chapter 43 of your book “A Autobiography of a Yogi.” I have spent years attempting to decipher Chapter 43. The most amazing condensed writing of spiritual mechanics I have found. Also I have read up to page 137 of your book “The Second Coming of Christ.” This book starts my present 2023 walk with you. Recently I have looked at what is written on Paramahansa Yogananda in Wikipedia on the internet and WOW!!!…. Teacher Paramahansa I am honored!!! Up until now I was walking in humbleness not experiencing any “Wowness” to your name from me. I was enjoying our walks and talks over the last few weeks. I am feeling the need to apologize to you for me not having a greater recognition to who you are.
TPY - I have been enjoying our walks also. Marty it is refreshing to be with Marty as Marty is, and not a escalated form of expression created by your ego that is not needed to be presented to me.
MK - Thank you Teacher Paramahansa.
TPY - You can research whatever you need to research about me, but why add outside information to what we are going to experience together in this next 6 months. If you must write, then what is most loving is to center the writing on our time together.
TPY - January first nears. Let’s figure out the “Journey Directions.” - First of all - The instructions and teachings that Paramahansa Yogananda is presenting to Marty do not need to be followed. I am merely laying out a way for Marty to reach what he most seeks, “Healing Touch.” Marty brings forth a six month challenge, so let’s see if Marty can keep up with the pace.
TPY - The month of January - Mediumship between MK and TPY with be the basic link, Marty refers to as “Harolds Outside Line” (safe). Most important is Marty’s attention to grounding [which is presently at around 14%]. This grounding is needed to be at the high 90% level by March first. This is a must!!! Stephanie volunteered to be “Ground Crew.” Stephanie grounding method, Chakras and Shaman works. Also for January: Release of present habits. Welcoming new habits. Creating a “Urban Wilderness” within present life pattern. Create greater comfort to home environment. Interior of house (in view) must change 25%. Start of nutrition and exercise habit pattern.
MK - I started receiving words from Teacher Paramahansa in early December, so we have already began working to separate our two voices that we first are sharing in Marty’s personality within the Illusionary Mind. Already I can feel the difference between our voices and am working to direct them to bring forth their real but separate personalities. Create “The Knowing.” So far everything that has been done in this present Transition has been protected with Sage and the burning of intentions through Shaman works. On January first I will also bring forth a visual Direction which is of Protection” to be placed on the area of Directions (transparent). I choose the Area of Directions to be a wall located in the art room of my house. The doors of the kitchen refrigerator will serve as the information center of daily tasks and prayers to be with.
MK - Now the reality sets in. Absolutely no mind changing drugs allowed. No alcohol, no Marijuana, etc. Caffeine ok but limited. Marty’s day is Saturday. However Saturday is the ONLY day allowed to go into stores, pay bills, grocery shopping, use of the computer for emails etc, use of cell phone all day, television, climbing, or recreational stuff. Sunday through Friday cell phone only allowed to be looked at for one hour per day. I choose Cell Phone time to be 11:30am - 12:30pm. Cell phone time not variable and must remain same time every day. This will be tough since I manage other employees at work. However I do have a ground crew to assist me to develop a system for these next 6 months. Teacher Paramahansa has already expressed to me his opinions about cell phones. He wants my phone to be thrown to the bottom of a pool on January first, and no need to even retrieve it. If my phone got taken away, I will miss the camera the most. Only inspirational loving music is allowed to be listened to. Saturday television shows are restricted to “non-violent” content only.
TPY - Creating a Urban Wilderness within Marty’s present life. January will be the toughest month. Once new habits are welcomed, the journey flow will become more achievable. February is “No Speaking” month, yes the whole month without a word. February Mediumship between MK and TPY will be through Harolds Outside Line, and also will be periodically on and off going into the “Joining Of Hearts.” If the grounding is going to schedule the Joining of Hearts will be able to be held for longer time spans, without becoming sick. You recently held the Joining of Hearts with Rilie for 14 days and you were only at 14% grounded. Of course you became “Grey” (sick) for 20 days following [insufficient Grounding]. With Rilie you became aware of her presence wherever she was within you and outside of you nearby. Also pulled up visions of her in very short movie type spurts. “Awesome Marty!!!.”
MK - I wasn’t trying, it was just happening.
TPY - Your heart for Rilie became very large and your Love is what allowed the visions to come through. March through June will be advanced teachings. Information will be of Level 6.5 through 7.2 Understandings. Mediumship between MK and TPY will be Harolds Outside Line and further balancing the “Joining of Hearts,” along with seeing if Marty can hold the Medium level of “Walking in the Shoes.” You recently achieved this with Rilie which lasted for 32 hours. The result of “Rilie Walking in the Shoes” became instant terror as you completely rejected the link to happen. You instantly became grey for 7 days [Way insufficient grounding, can cause severe problems to the human body]. This was a tough one for Stephanie to get you unlinked however she now has awareness. For a failsafe, the Medium named Apollo will be On Call if a advance disconnect technique is needed. (Apollo - recognized).
TPY - Marty, In no way do I mean to bring harm to you. At any time you can slow or end the teaching. Since these Medium encounters happen to you naturally, I know that you can hold this “Walking in the Shoes” level.
MK - Do the Elders have the approval of your visit with me?
TPY - The Elders are the ones that delivered me to you.
MK - And where does Jesus fit into all of this?
TPY - You are avatar so I will stay within your library (brain)[Jesus-Savior-Sage]. Jesus built the store and is the owner, the Elders are the CEOs of the Casual Body (lower three plateaus), the Higher Self is the True Marty in the elementary school of the Ego Body, the earth Avatar is the forgetful but inspired lackey.
MK - Sounds like the Avatar is the lowest on the list.
TPY - Yes but look at it this way, - Everybody else is busy with “Title” while the Lackey is on Adventure!!
MK - Laugh! That’s a great way to look at it!!
MK - If a health issue comes forth, take care of the health issue. If a person is in need, take care of the person in need.