I am getting my Aura Chakra readings at Vision Quest Psychic Bookstore, and since I am planning to do a series of readings, I am purposely staying with the same person being Raquel, so she can be the one who looks into and keeps track of the readings. The additional chakra teachings she gives me while being there for the reading is well worth the tip I give her for her expertise. For as little as $20 you get a printout photo of your present Aura Chakra activity. But ask for the photo printout that also shows the energy level graph charts because its cool to compare these with other readings you may get on your journey. For $40 you can get a 23 page report that is totally worth having especially if this is your first time you are getting a reading. Note: Understand that the readings are for entertainment. If the information is given to the heart, all stays in balance. If the information is taken by the ego, the true information that is shown can become... a positive and negative illusion of self within ones seeking of personal direction. Follow the heart! |
This is my very first Aura Chakra reading that I got in Sedona AZ on 11/19/2019. To me I call this the "carrot" that got me curious about chakras. The lady that gave me this reading was somewhat amazed of what she was seeing. The overall perfect egg shape of the Aura. The height of the Aura showing above the Crown chakra. The healthy and bright chakras in beautiful alignment. Perfect white Crown, Perfect Third Eye, Divine light Archangel surrounding the bright Throat and Heart chakras. The lady told me that she was honored to be sitting in the room with me and asked me if she could give me a hug. Her hug went on for longer than I thought, and still longer, until I was like telling her, "That's enough." Overall it was a great experience which gave me a energy boost for sure. But when the second reading comes and a comparison can be assessed, that's when I could feel my ego being challenged. Follow the heart! |
Aura Chakra reading11/19/2019
unknown of the newly created creature, but she assists God holding his balance as he reaches even more forward to touch Adams finger. Note here: The woman shown in Gods arm is the only character that is assisting God in creation. The wrinkled expression on Gods face shows that God is putting effort in to trying to connect with Adam. Gods face looks loving (kinda) but is the only one who looks stressed in the painting. The internet says that the characters with God are angels which I think is incorrect. I believe every character that is shown except for God and Sophia, are souls. The souls that are created which will follow Adam, following when Eve becomes. I say this because the other characters are not painted in full. They are creations that are in form but not fully developed yet. This is the placenta, the place of birthing of human creation where Sophia is assisting God in the creation. This painting is showing the Word of God in action.
This is a view of creation painted from a third density mind. In the creation story itself at this point Adam is more of a light being than a human wrapped in flesh. Adams penis is not a curiosity to him since he has not materialized yet. At the time of materialization, Adams first reaction was to immediately cover his penis with fig leaves to shield him from God’s judgement. Previous to materialization Adam and Eve lived naked in Eden and God occasionally visited. One bite of forbidden fruit later, and suddenly mankind is in fear of God, as physical life duality instantly goes into effect. Greetings Lucifer for taking the negative position. Greetings God’s Love for taking the positive position. Greetings humans to your chosen free will!!!
God and Adam in Fifth Density
highest level so Lucifer will not stop finding ways to slow every humans progress of reaching enlightenment. At the same time God continuously presents understandings of love to the humans to encourage them which speeds up the progress of reaching enlightenment. It is purely the humans choice on which path to follow, the path of good or the path of evil.
MK - Even as Moses carried the staff, Divine energy was flowing through him. When Jesus returns, Christ will reign over the nations with a iron rod and peace will be brought back to the earth for 1000 years. I wonder if during this time of peace if the people will all be in Lifetron form and will be living for the full 1000 years, where afterwards God once again frees Satan from the lake of fire. While Satan is banished/trapped, do the
On the illustration, “MK” is Marty Karabin. “HS” is Higher Self. Split personality - The more personality is pulled to one side being the open line or closed line, the more the person will lose themselves to one side or the another. Best to keep balanced in the middle while holding the split personality. If the mind presses to only want to be with the open line, then stop. Go back to only being the human avatar which you came to earth to be. A representative of the Marty Higher Self and representative of the Divine. I have come to earth for a human experience which “can” include (choice) spirituality after the person is back to being and knowing their self (Grounded). Then return to the balance position when opening the personality split once again. Really know who you are so if you get lost, you know of whom you are demanding to return to, yourself. |
The personality split comes forward through the Illusionary Mind, or Imaginative Mind. For me personally I have felt more comfortable saying Illusionary over Imaginative. However the process probably comes through both the Illusionary and Imaginative. I was born in the Roman Catholic church, but I have a past life residue going on of a Buddhist or Hindu structure within me. Maybe due to this past life reside is why I have a great understanding of the Illusionary Mind.
At first Teacher Paramahansa Yogananda was connecting with me through Harold’s Outside Line. However, the line when Harold communicates through it remains clean, but with Teacher Paramahansa, a few non-invited characters came through and had to be cleared. So Teacher Paramahansa stated that he placed a tether on me and now the connection has remained clean, for months now!!! Wow…. for months!!! The conversation within the connection only is open when we are communicating with each other, otherwise we continuously close the connection. Through a simple hello, we are connected once again. I can connect at any time and it does not require me to do anything special to do so. I know of other people that connect through meditation. |
MK - I did something amazing today. I discovered that only three miles from my house, there is a Paramahansa Yogananda Self Realization Fellowship temple…. And I visited the temple property today. The temple was closed at that time but I still got this amazing photo. TPY - Wonderful!!! MK - I could feel that you were with me when I was on the property since I felt a offset of excitement that was divine as I wandered around on my short visit. |