James Bible, The Dalai Lama, and on and on and on. So many great books and only $2.00 each. Reading was not something I liked to do until I started my spiritual journey, basically in 2009. What is also fun is purchasing the spiritual books that were sticking out further than the other books on the store shelf. I figured that if God provides everything, then God will choose the books for me to read. My bookshelf became packed with books that someday I hoped to read. I say hoped since I am a very slow reader. Plus I work a full time job, raising two kids, etc etc. Time is something that I did not have much of. Also at the Goodwill store I recently found and purchased a beautiful blanket that has a Indian type mandala pattern on it.
My meeting time with John came and I arrived at his house in Scottsdale. The house was a regular new looking house in a subdivision of new looking houses, and there was not anything in the front yard indicating that the person inside is spiritual. I actually thought that I arrived to the wrong address. I made sure I had my Indian blanket with me which was in case I got the chills, which in AZ in June its already hot, but the blanket also served as a shield or barrier that I could keep between myself and John. I didn’t know what to expect with this meeting. I knocked on the door and John answered and said please come in. The John that answered the door had short clean cut hair, no necklaces or anything, he had a pastel colored sweater hanging off of his shoulders, and looked like a preppy person right out of a 1980s movie. The rooms in his house hardly had any furniture in them, and there were not may art pieces or paintings hanging on the walls. He may have just recently moved into the house or something so I am not judging, just saying.
me there at night. John mentioned that this secondary voice was not a guide and was not a good thing to make friends with. I was not possessed, but was being heavily manipulated by a not so friendly energy. I did find it amazing that John, after looking inside me, knew many things of me. Many things of my past just like Glenn knew. I was very intrigued on how some people have this amazing gift of knowing. I know Mediums do exist but this was mind blowing and I could not come up with any logical answers to explain it. Wow this John guy is very legit. I was very happy that he was able to realign me, and just in a short time as well. I showed the eyeball sphere drawing to John, and he said he has never seen it before. The meeting was over and already I was feeling better. I said goodby to John and he closed his front door, but I stopped for a moment remaining on his front porch. I was listening really hard, then listening again and again, and my head was completely clear of any voice or pressure I was feeling. Completely clear! Then I started to panic thinking that John removed the Teacher from me as well. So I exclaimed "Teacher Teacher," then Teacher replied, “I am still here.” I was so relieved to hear Teachers voice that I let out a huge gasp and almost fell to the ground.
Once I got home I slept peacefully for 12 hours and then called Dawn and told her about my meeting with John. Over the next few months I talked further with Dawn as she brought her grand daughter to the gym to climb with the climbing team. As it turns out Dawn has blonde hair and Glenn did mention that my new earth guide will be coming soon, and she will have blonde hair. Dawn invited me to a Shaman lodge which was located in her back yard, but I declined the offer since I did not know anything about Shamanism. I continued filming the kids on the climbing team, and continued my studying seeking to unlock Glenn’s Levels chart. The keys and doorways I found in the Bible must somehow align with Glenn’s Levels chart. September 2012 I created a Marty Mini guide which is named, “Lost Soul, Finding Yourself.” This guide I created for myself as a stepping stone which I can continually advance as further knowledge comes to me. On one side of the mini guide it shows Levels and the work a person needs to do to be able to advance within the Levels. The other side of the guide is a overview explanation of the truth of what I believe earth life is about.
Understanding what the heck is going on and what direction to go forward with. Also really digging into the individual who genuinely wants to know themself. Once a person knows themself through Love, the person moves to Level 5 which says, “I want to understand you.” The cheerleader comes out wanting to assist others to join them in this balanced level. It is easy to spot a Level 5 individual. The person is happy. The person is there to help with everything especially with people in tears. The ego within the Level 5 person is screaming “I am spiritual, please notice me.” And even though the Level 5 person fumbles through the material when being tested, they don’t get upset since they see it as the new material to look further into, if they choose. It’s all a new adventure! A million different paths span out from Level 5 and its up to the individual of which path of new interest to follow, and further develop. Overall every path leads to the same conclusion, greater Enlightenment. Welcome to the Levels of Development!!!
Marty's Level 5 illustration
Dawn of my intentions and she agreed to see how far I can get with my mission. First, place your mind on the shelf that is in the room, close your eyes and let Dawn direct the movement from there. I made it through the womb. I saw one of my deaths in a past life I had. I got to the vortex (Tunnel) and was suddenly traveling through it. It was working!!! I was flipping around in the tunnel and did not know where up or down was. My heart was racing and suddenly I felt a hand reach out to me. It was Teachers hand and once I grabbed it, everything became in absolute stillness. I was standing there with teacher being absolutely still. I could see the curve of the dark ground that we were standing on, and the sky was a single enhanced light grey color. Teacher asked me where do I want to travel to, and I said let’s go to the Akashic Records machine. He said no problem. I was quiet for a moment waiting for us to get moving, but it seemed like we were standing still. So I asked him “When are we going?” He said that we are already on our way. To me it looked like we were not moving at all. Then Teacher said that he will show me, and suddenly the entire ground looked like a grid. The grid was moving rather fast for what I could make of it. Dark ground with white moving lines and we were traveling at a angle slightly left. We suddenly stopped at this lump looking solid object that looked somewhat in the shape of the Sydney Opera House in Australia. I didn’t see any river of images or anything. Just this still machine thing. I looked around all over the place to somehow turn it on or something, but could not figure it out. Right before I started the hypnotherapy session, I told Dawn that Teacher just explained that I must return at exactly 21 minutes once I was on the spiritual plateau. It was never explained to us the reason why. Dawn said that Teacher will have to tell her when the 21 minutes were up since she was not going to keep time. I kept looking around and around this machine, but was having no luck finding a switch or button, so Dawn mentioned that maybe we should try to turn on this machine in our next session. I reluctantly agreed and returned with Dawns guidance, opening my eyes suddenly being in Dawns Hypnotherapy room. I tried to immediately stand out of the chair and then fell to my knees where I stayed there for 10 minutes or so. It was the most amazing feeling of peace I was feeling flowing through me. I didn’t want to stand. I would have been content remaining there on my knees for hours or even days. That’s how relaxed I had become.
A month later and now it is March 2013. I was preparing for my third hypnotherapy session which was scheduled for the next day, and Teacher informed me that for this next adventure on the Spiritual plateau, I will be requiring a teacher to be present. I found that comment to be odd since I was already with Teacher. Teacher then said that he is actually a man named Harold Lloyd, a silent film actor and producer from the 1920s. I sat for a moment processing this new information, then exclaimed how very cool this is!!! Harold Lloyd is my guide!!!! Holy Shit this is so cool!!!! When I was a young kid, every weekend on TV was aired comedy black and white films. Three Stooges, Laurel and Hardy, and at times Harold Lloyd. Overall Harold Lloyd was my favorite (of course!!). Harold had the ability to show people his feelings through his actions and facial expressions without the need to speak one word. Ok Teacher is now Harold. So exciting!!! I was reviewing the steps I took in the second Hypnotherapy session to follow the same path, get to the Akashic Records machine, etc etc etc. Harold then mentioned that the Spirit World does not necessarily go by the book. I said whatever and continued preparing for my next session.
Actor and film producer Harold Lloyd
somehow just staying in the center of the sphere. The sphere was darker than when I was in it in 2009, then suddenly it just lit up like somebody turned the knob on a dimmer light switch. The sphere is so beautiful, and so powerful feeling. In front of me was a stand that had one eyeball looking object on it. I was told by a voice that this is the item I came for. The item was listed as “TRANSPARENT INADEQUACY” which I removed from my Karma chain. My heart was totally racing as the realization set in that I made it back to the eyeball sphere!!! I named it “God’s Eye.” While in the sphere I made sure I was taking notes and taking measurements to bring back with me and create a guide to share with anybody that was interested. Dawn returned me to the physical, mission complete!!!!
wanted to get further into conversations with Harold, but he told me, “Thats not how the system works.” I was told that I must first fill my library (brain) with history of Harold’s life before we could openly communicate. Okay no problem!!! So I purchased a seven DVD set which included many of Harolds movies and a special DVD that talked about Harolds life. Our conversations escalated!!! Harold was now popping up all over the place! Even some of my relatives were witnessing Harold. As it turns out, Harold was a climber and did his own stunts for the movies. He climbed mostly buildings where his most famous movie, “Safety Last,” shows him hanging off of a round clock face high above the city buildings. Harold created many amazing movies and I was very proud that he chose to be my guide. I love taking to Harold and knowing that he is with me all of the time.
this Lodge David gave me a wet bandana and told me to hold it over my mouth so it will lessen the heat I was breathing while in the Lodge. I made it through the first two rounds, then was the drummer for the third round, and I returned into the Lodge for the smoking of the peace pipe and for round four. Once again the Lodge was totally amazing but this time I had no visions. However I could feel the Indian braves presence as I was drumming. I already knew with my breathing that I was going to have trouble being a attendee within each solstice Lodge ceremony, so Dawn allowed me to be the drummer for the Lodge ceremonies. I was psyched. Very psyched!!! I played the drum in my garage night after night, being with the rhythm the drumming was filling my soul with. I love my drum!!!! There is great peace found within a drum beat!!!! The drum also allowed my spirit to travel. So Awesome!!!!
Marty's drum and Shaman turtle shell rattles
At the end of March 2013, I finalized my new movie creation named “Phenom Style. It was a lot of fun filming and working with the youth climbing team. It was a lot of fun also knowing that Harold was a movie producer and he helped a lot with suggestions with this newly created movie. Phenom Style I was proud to create it. It was a simpler movie to produce than the Living The Dream movie from the previous year. Phenom Style ran only one hour long, but still I used songs that were playing on the radio so the movie was not created for sharing on YouTube etc. The movie still took 400 hours to produce using the iMovie computer program. Phenom Style was a gift to the climbing kids and their parents. Many parents came forward and donated monies thanking me for creating the movies. The donated monies paid for the blank DVD's and the DVD cases etc. My time involved for making the movie was free. My two friends Neo and Robert also had fun being involved with another Marty movie. Over time I created many shorter movies. The movies were simple named “Coaches Cuts," which I could complete in 20 or so hours.