As I was finishing up my visits to physical therapy and was able to hobble around more on my feet, Teacher reminded me that now since I have received some donated monies from the climbing community, I can go out and purchase a movie camera and get going on making some movies. I still found this "pushing me to make movies thing" to be odd especially since making movies was not even on my to do list. So I went to a Best Buy store and purchased a camera. Teacher said that for the movies, all will be paid for and my job was just to create the movies. At first I did not know what to produce with filming and quickly found that making movies about my kids and home was not necessarily panning out as a interesting movie. So I continued to play around with the camera to get used to it. Also it gave me time to see how the Apple iMovie program worked for creating movies with. Making movies is quite time consuming, but I can see how my artistic talents could be applied within the iMovie program. But at this time my interest was more with the churches. I was psyched to study about God and increasing my knowledge about the Bible. |
Over time I gave my entire self to the Catholic church. I attended every weekend, I reread the Bible, I was tithing, I was the church. I really was enjoying being involved with a community of people that were all in attendance for God. But it seemed like the Catholic Church was transforming me not into something more loving, but a citizen within a church community that was heavily in a feel of control and was very judgmental to others. Maybe it was ego within me or something, but within my church pride I became the loudest singer, I was doing everything the way it “should” be done like staying on my knees in prayer during the times the mass required people to be on their knees. I was judging others of how they were acting in church, over, my perfect church mass performance. I became the crazy person that was standing on the street corner up on a milk crate yelling to the cars going by as I raised my “I know Jesus and you don’t” sign at everybody. I started feeling that I needed to find a different religion which would offer for me a better sense of balance. The Spirituality process for me is very important, but difficult as well. I already have within me a true love for Jesus, but I need to find truth which asks the question of - Is spirituality the church? Or does spirituality go beyond the church? |
My Mom gave me the family Bible
To me the Christian churches are more exciting! The audience is responding to extended teachings by the priest. The southern Christian churches I totally love. Weekend mass does not feel like a required thing that has to be attended. It is something that I want to attend since it is so exciting!!! I feel that I am part of the mass experience and it fills me with extra energy. But every priest that I talked to and showed them my drawing of the eyeball sphere, none of them have ever seen anything that could help me explain where I was that day in the hospital. So I became the Indiana Jones of the Bible. With my orange atom Teachers assistance, I was finding keys and doorways written in the Bible that was giving me even more of a advanced teaching which was getting me closer to what I was searching for. I knew that one of these doorways was a direct path to God. Over time I wrote many notes and created personal writings filling 15 or more binders on my bookshelf, and I felt like I was studying for a college finals exam. I started seeing a pattern on how these writings would produce a resulting answer that came from the spirit world. Like a confirmation that I was on the correct path.
My life was raising my kids, working a full time job at the rock gym, spiritual study, playing around with the movie camera, and I was returning to Blue Ridge Reservoir with friends to climb on the weekends. In January 2011 my now healed broken leg started to really hurt and I went back in for a surgery to remove the hardware that supported the broken femur. It was a simple surgery and I was back to walking again in a few days. I started filming the kids at the rock gym that were on the youth climbing team, named Team Thrashers, to produce a short film for their two year anniversary that was coming up in March. I started feeling that I found my subject of which to produce the movie that Teacher was insisting that I create. I was psyched to see where this movie creation was going to take me.
Original Femur hardware removed from Marty's leg.
The carabiner in the photo is for size comparison. |
intense night sweats that will eventually pass. In 2019 I was listening to a Matt Kahn YouTube segment where Matt explains the same occurrence happening to him. He went through three days of being entirely burned. As Matt spoke about the following days after the burning, I felt the exact same as he described. There was no other thought or feeling except for being in complete humility within the self. A depth of humility that was so extreme that it took days to process the feeling that filled the individual. From that point on I carry this self humility with me every day now. The way Matt describes the occurrence on his YouTube segment showing through his words of how intense this occurrence was, reminds me exactly of when I went through this burning as well. To me this was for sure a one and one meeting with the creator.
May 2011 I went by myself to Blue Ridge Reservoir and camped in my favorite spot, Eagle Point! I developed a few new boulder problems and stayed for a fun three days. But as I was packing up the canoe and leaving in the morning, I clearly heard a voice say, “DON’T COME BACK HERE ALONE.” This voice sounded for sure like a voice outside of me and it was not Teachers. It sounded like it came from somebody that was standing next to me. I looked around and nobody was there, so I went back to packing up the canoe and made no big deal of what was said, then headed back to my vehicle. What got to me was that I was having a good camping trip and that wordage was very out of place. I studied Blue Ridge Reservoir and found that right near the location where I was camping was where the last battle with the Apache Indians in Arizona occurred. But for that battle it was a stand off where no shots were fired. The Apache Indians eventually surrendered. So I can’t say that I was approached by a dead Apache spirit or something like that. |
Once I got home from camping Glenn messaged me and mentioned that he was moving to Florida, and then out of the USA to Costa Rica. I started to feel like I blew it or something where Glenn was here with me, but I really didn’t ask him much about spirituality. Glenn met me for lunch and showed me a chart he created named, “The 7 Evolutanary Levels To Profound Selling." He said that everybody is made up of a mix of many Understandings that are within these levels. Glenn talked a lot about how massive each level really is. Seven Levels of Humanity where Level Eight is God. Showing that only 15% of humans presently on Earth are above Level three. Just
making it through and surviving Level four. Level five is the Blessing and is quite Balanced. My friend is a Level 5 and I continually refer to her as a cheerleader. Level six is a Disciple or Teacher forming level. Level seven is a balanced Guru.
Immediately I ran up to the camp and gathered up all of my gear and frantically threw everything into the canoe so I could get the hell out of there. It wasn’t just a few items to pack. I had coolers and a ton of climbing equipment, bouldering pads and shovels and rakes and just about everything including the kitchen sink. I didn’t even roll up the tent. It was just wadded together and jammed into the canoe. My body was losing energy as I was hastily running with supplies up and down the hill while wearing a headlamp to fill the canoe. I felt like I couldn’t get out of there faster! Even as I motored away from the camping areas shore, I could feel my body shaking from fear. It was now 11:00pm at night and I made it to my vehicle but still had to go through the process of loading everything off of the canoe and get the boat onto the truck and everything. The drive home took 2 1/2 hours and I did not even turn on the radio. I sat in silence the whole way home. I was really freaked out and scared. I was so scared that between June 2011 and June 2018, I only climbed outdoors maybe 10 times. I felt like I had become disconnected with Mother Nature. Soon afterwards I created a supplement guide to add to my already made guide to Blue Ridge. This Supplement shows the many additional climbs I added to Blue Ridge, so others could continue to adventure!
My attention shifted to creating the movie that the spirit world asked for me to produce while I was in the hospital with the broken leg back in 2009. My subject was the youth climbing team at the Phoenix Rock Gym. From June 2011 to March 2012 I put over 700 hours into creating the movie which is titled “Living The Dream.” It was a amazing project and my orange atom Teacher guide was giving me a lot of help with putting it together. I followed the climbing team wherever they traveled to local competitions, to Regionals, to Divisionals, and to the Nationals climbing competitions. The camera was always in hand and was always rolling. Many fun comedy skits were designed into the movie with assistance from my friends Neo and Robert. We inspired the team kids as much as we could with the wearing of face paint, colored hair, wearing silly hats or sunglasses etc. The climbing kids were having a lot of fun being the talent within the filming. It also eased the nerves of the climbers who did their best in the competitions. To me it gave me a good insight on creating movies since my subject was the youth, and not necessarily the adults. It gave me a different way to raise my kids as well. Looking at life as being a continual adventure, over following only what society demands for a life to be patterned after. “Living the Dream” finalized being a two hour movie and was completed March 2012. At the end of the movie I included the wordage, “Thank you God for giving me the ability to create this awesome movie!” In March 2012 the Team Thrashers youth team’s name changed to “The Rock Phenoms.”
Marty at the USA Youth Nationals
NEO at the USA Youth Nationals
Robert at the USA Youth Nationals
I felt really proud that I completed the movie challenge that I was presented with from the spirit world. To me, the Living The Dream movie was a 4 1/2 star rated creation out of 5 stars. I felt like some of the movie segments were not needed to be in the movie and were only added for the kids as a fun reminder. The music that the movie was created with I got mostly from my son James. They were fun songs that were being played on the radio stations at that time, and I did not have the rights to use the song material to allow the movie to be shared on YouTube etc. The Living The Dream movie was a gift to the kids and their parents for being on the team. Already I planned to create another movie with the youth climbing team, but shorten it down to one hour.
Team Thrashers - Youth climbing team
Living The Dream - DVD Movie Cover