I am not going to go heavy into my early childhood except for a few opening facts. At 5 years old I was living in Pennsylvania where I was born. My mom and dad were putting me into Catholic school and insisted that I had to wear the school uniform. I refused and got mad at my dad and then shouted at him that, “I was not supposed to be here.” “I am to have a child named after Jimi Hendrix.” “I am to have a child named after Santa Claus.” “I am supposed to be the Jacques Cousteau of the Arizona mountains!” My wife named my two sons. One named James and one named Nicholas. I moved to Arizona and wrote many climbing guides to the mountains in Arizona. What I shouted when I was 5 years old actually came true. How did I know my story when I had not even lived it yet? I was raised with my older sister Nita and younger brother Eric in a solid Roman Catholic lifestyle. My mom and dad raised us kids the best and most fun way they could so no complaints and much Love to my mom and dad!!! Eventually I was a altar boy, was in teen club and was a singer in the choir. When I turned 18 years old I left mom and dad and the church and let my soul just run as wild as it could. Shortly after when I didn’t have anything left except for my pride, I arrived in Arizona. Moving forward with the story and now I am 37 years old. So from 18 years old to 37 years old I had respect for yes, but no connection to the church or spirituality.
Marty at 5 years old
My thoughts totally shifted into curiosity as I saw a blanket of fire or lightning appearing on the ceiling of the room. It was coming out of the crease between the wall and the ceiling, and it was slowly traveling over top of me across the ceiling. I was totally conscious and was in full amazement of what I was witnessing. The lightning was then disappearing into the opposite wall of the room and once the lightning was just about gone, I suddenly was in a dark corridor. I was no longer in the bedroom of my house. I was somewhere else and was fully conscious of everything I was seeing. I felt no temperature nor any pain or feeling at all. This was not a dream but something that was very real. In the corridor I was not alone. I could see a person in the distance and a open doorway that had a very bright light within it.
Then the person turned and looked at me and suddenly in a quick swoop, slid over to me being directly in front of me having a huge smile on its face. It did not walk over to me, it slid over to me. This person looked like a male and had black hair. The first words were, “What are you dong here?” “You are not supposed to be here at this time.” I didn’t know what to say so I remained silent. Then the person said, “Why do you think you are here?” I thought about it for a little time thinking this had to be some God thing going on here so I replied, “Maybe because I am Roman Catholic and my wife was Jewish?” The person laughed and then said, “This place does not have anything to do with that.” That comment was the only thing I could come up with saying. My wife and I did not study any religion stuff or spirituality stuff during the 13 years we were together. The person then said again, “You are not supposed to be here at this time.” “I am going to give you something that I want you to remember.” “This is very important for you to remember this.” “Remember this.” Then the person leaned closer to me having a very direct look of importance into my eyes, (thats if I even had eyes), and said “THE ENERGY IS WITHIN, YOU JUST NEED TO BRING IT OUT.” “Remember this!”
I told Randi what just happened to me and maybe it was Heaven’s Gate I was just at or something. Randi looked puzzled from what I had told her. I told my friend Robert who is very connected to church study, and he looked puzzled from it as well. So then I took a sharpie marker and drew lightening bolts on the back of my hands so I could see energy being on the outside of me. No matter where I went from that point on, my self confidence was flowing at a high level. I could feel that the Divine just gave me a invitation to become a different version of me that I never knew I was.
Lightening bolts drawn on the back of my hands
I was still feeling depressed from the divorce procedure and now getting used to my new schedule of working again, my new home environment, and to having the kids back with me, but only with me a few days a week. Maybe call it the ‘kid custody rodeo.’ Then out of nowhere I got a knock on the door and it was three girls I knew from the rock climbing world. They said they came to show me what life is about, but in trade I was to coach them in rock climbing. The annual Phoenix Bouldering Contest was happening in a few months time, so every weekend we would climb, and then they would take me to a restaurant for a meal and fun conversation. The girls names were Susan, Felicia and Sandy. They became known as “Marty’s Angels.” These girls made me feel alive again and assisted me on finding a new forward moving path for my life. For the competition, Susan, Felicia and Sandy all stood on the podium winning prizes for their strong climbing that day. Susan talked me through my family sadness and I give her many props for making feel important in this life for not just others, but to feel important to myself.
Nicholas and James
Marty's Angel keychain carabiner
Life started to make sense again and the Heaven’s Gate thing started to feel more like it was a dream over it being anything else. I was back to falling into the grooves of the past Marty, and life went on day after day. The mind demanded for me to get back into societies order, over believing the Divine even exists. My Boy Scout leader friend said that he needed my assistance in guiding the scouts on a climbing adventure which will summit a local climbing mountain named Pinnacle Peak. I had already assisted him in the past and already knew of how much work these scout adventures are, but being a Eagle Scout myself, I could not say no. The day came where 38 kids and parents and anybody that wanted to climb could go on this adventure. A few of my climbing friends assisted on the adventure as I took the lead position. Climb up 200+ feet to the summit, Tyrolean 80 feet across to another peak, then rappel 120 feet back to the ground. It was quite an adventure especially for some of the scouts that had never climbed before.
But during the day I was called down to the base of the rappel where a stranger and his girlfriend had asked if they too could join in with the climbing adventure. They had just traveled from Florida to Arizona and moved into a house that day at the base of Pinnacle Peak. Their names were Glenn and Lisa. When I first arrived to talk to them Glenn was just staring at me with a huge smile. He was saying how much he was excited to meet me. I found it to be somewhat uncomfortable at first especially since I was quite busy and he was taking me away from me keeping my eyes on my important job. Glenn then broke the silence and changed the subject telling me that he and Lisa have done some climbing before, and is there any way they could join in with the fun? So I sent them over to the beginning of the climb and told them to get in line and I will see them on the summit. The day went great and nobody got injured. Afterwards as we were gathering all of the equipment Glenn asked me if he could possibly hire me to show Lisa and him around Pinnacle Peak, so they will be more familiar with where all of the climbing routes were etc. I said no problem and we were set for climbing and exploring the next day.
Pinnacle Peak. A person is standing on the summit
Pinnacle Peak summit register
Glenn Roller on the Tyrolean traverse
We found a peaceful area to sit and chat and have a picnic lunch. Glenn asked me, "how do you feel?" I said I feel fine and thought to myself that that was a weird question. He asked the same question again, and then again. So I became quiet in wonder. Glenn then told me a little of his background history. Glenn is a spiritual healer and was in the process of writing a book on “Awakening” people. Glenn said that when he arrived at his new house he looked up at Pinnacle Peak and saw a great glow on the summit. A greater glow than any past glows that he has seen. He did not know that anybody was even climbing up there, but him and Lisa went up there to see what this great glow was. This great glow turned out to be me. Glenn has spoken at many gatherings and corporations on how to better their businesses by bettering their people. While he is speaking he looks upon the crowd to find anybody that is glowing. If he finds a glow, which he said is actually very rare, that is a indication that the person is ready to be awakened. For me he said he was extremely glad to meet me.
Glenn finished and published his book “Is Anyone Awake Out There” a few months after we met in 2004. He gave me a copy of the book for me to read and be with, and I did nothing more than place it in my bookshelf since I figured I didn’t need it since I was friends with the guru himself. Over the next two years I occasionally climbed with Glenn and Lisa as we visited the Pond in Queen Creek canyon, and we climbed the Hart route on Camelback mountain where we experienced the huge killer bee hive at the third pitch. None of us got stung but we were within two feet of the hive as we hastily climbed to get away from it ASAP. I remember Lisa’s tears running down her face as we stood on the ledge watching the bees become interested in our climbing rope. Three days later is when the hive attacked two climbers on the Hart route and killed one of the climbers. Somehow we escaped a situation that we would not have been able to get away from if the hive attacked us. I thought to myself that I was lucky to be with Guru Glenn and maybe his connection with the spirit world gave us the extra time to escape the massive problem we were suddenly within.
and everything. He said that in a few years she would deceive me in a very bad way. Glenn specified that, “She is not the girl for you.” I looked at him saying thanks but didn’t believe him. The rule was that he was to not tell me anything about my future. But Glenn found it to be important. My relationship grew to the point that we were set to get married. She was to become the step mother of my children and we visited both of our parents announcing the marriage. Soon afterwards I found out she was pregnant within another relationship. I was crushed. I am still crushed, but I somehow I have learned to forgive her. Love forgives!
Lisa and Glenn at the Pond, Queen Creek Canyon
new boulder problems I found and was climbing without any fear. My son James then asked, “Dad what happens if you fall?” “How will we even get home?” I was free soloing my tall boulder problems over death landings and I didn’t even have a crash pad. “I couldn’t believe what I was doing.” It really freaked me out to the point that the next weekend I brought along a drill and placed bolts on every boulder problem so anybody in the future would not risk injury on my routes. It is a really strange feeling when you reach a point of numbness in life. You can have everything in life but at the same time you feel as though you have nothing. I then talked to my friend Justin telling him that I think I was not searching for balance, but through absolute exhaustion I was attempting to find a way to be closer to God. I needed to talk to God. Justin mentioned that for sure I need to climb with other people and stop taking the high risk chances while climbing alone. I was very intrigued on how Glenn was hearing and talking with people and guides from the spirit world. I asked Glenn many times how did he achieve this gift. He said everybody was born with this gift but very few believe so they only hear silence. The inner ears must be trained to communicate.